This morning I updated my laptop (took it from bij bookshelf where it was since last juni).
After the Avast update I saw strange filenames in the avast-map, e.g. (some of them):
• aavm4h.dll.1411314190725
• aavm4h.dll.sum
• aavm4h.dll.sum.1411314190725
(the file Aavm4h.dll was also in the map)
• aswstrm.dll.1411314187402
• aswstrm.dll.sum.1411314187402
(the file AswStrm.dll was also in the map)
• avastui.exe1411314187402
• avastui.exe1411314187402.1411314190725
• avastui.exe.sum.1411314187402
• avastui.exe.sum.1411314187402.1411314190725
(the files AvastUI.exe and avastui.exe.sum where alsi in the map)
Where are these ‘strange’ files for? Does somebody know?