Avast filenames with numbers

This morning I updated my laptop (took it from bij bookshelf where it was since last juni).
After the Avast update I saw strange filenames in the avast-map, e.g. (some of them):
• aavm4h.dll.1411314190725
• aavm4h.dll.sum
• aavm4h.dll.sum.1411314190725
(the file Aavm4h.dll was also in the map)
• aswstrm.dll.1411314187402
• aswstrm.dll.sum.1411314187402
(the file AswStrm.dll was also in the map)
• avastui.exe1411314187402
• avastui.exe1411314187402.1411314190725
• avastui.exe.sum.1411314187402
• avastui.exe.sum.1411314187402.1411314190725
(the files AvastUI.exe and avastui.exe.sum where alsi in the map)
Where are these ‘strange’ files for? Does somebody know?


They’re all Avast dll’s and exe files, what’s so strange about that?

The numbers behind the file extentions. I do not have these ‘numbered’ files on mij desktop computer.

Thanks in advance