Avast filesize seems to be growing

Hi, my Avast program file now stands at 77.1MB. Is this because of the automatic updates, if so can you tell me how to reduce its size and where the definations are saved. Thank you.

Hi and welcomeVinita,
I dont think the updated definition files are the problem as they are incremental. I looked at my own files and I agree the total size is a lot bigger than it should be(86mb)
The Pic below shows files within the Avast Data file which on my system anyway seems too large at 42 mb.
Hopefully someone knows wether the INTEG file(22mb) is a nessesary component or not. The report file is where all your logs from previous scans go and i think can be cleaned out.

Integ folder can’t be too important-mine is still empty after a few months. Unless maybe you are using VRDB? Also found a large (10MB) file AshWebSv.ws in the Logs folder that appears to grow without bound and have no earthly reason for being kept around for very long. Another item is that my Chest files got duplicated for daylight savings time when the time tags changed, so I got rid of the duplicates.


As far as I know, these files or folders may grow up :

  • the virus chest;
  • the log files;
  • the VPS file (400.vps);
  • the VRDB folder (integ).

You can clean the virus chest and log files ; the VPS and VRDB files are obviously necessary components.

The virus definitions file (VPS) is stored in C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA.



The Integ subfolder (not file) is where the sucessfully created VRDB data goes. So “necessary” is a matter of judgement, of course, but you won’t have VRDB for repairs without it.

Thanks Mike thats the answer i was looking for, Looking further i see that it re-generates a new snapshot every three weeks . I wonder if that subfolder has a capacity limit and drops old outdated data or is continually growing?

Thanks guys, I’m much clearer about the program now, I thought I could have deleted the stale defs like I did with AVG.