Avast Firefox add-on crashes Firefox when an email link is followed

Firefox started crashing a while ago quite frequently (1) when it was not visible and (2) whenever I followed a URL link in an email message (through Thunderbird). I methodically disabled Firefox add-ons and finally found that the problem went away when I disabled the avast add-on (9.0.2021.112). Is this a known bug? Will there be a fix? Thanks.

Did you import the avast certificate in Thunderbird?
If not, please do so and see if that solves things.

Thanks for the suggestion.* I’m not sure whether the avast certificate has been imported into Thunderbird. Looking at the Thunderbird Certificate Manager/Authorities, it shows “avast! Mail Scanner Root”. Is this the certificate you’re referring to? If not, where do I look for the correct one? Also, I looked at Firefox certificates and there is no listing for avast. Should there be? Thanks.

*Sorry for the delay (and duplicate postings). When I tried to post yesterday all I got was a"waiting for…" message at the bottom of the screen, and then ultimately a blank screen. I wasn’t aware the postings went through.

Don’t worry about the double posting.
It happens more lately.

Yes, you got the correct certificate.

I suggest installing avast 2015 RC3 and see if that solves the problem.

Is Avast 2015 in beta? I don’t see anything about it on the Avast website. (I have the latest 2014 version, 2014.0.0.2021.)


I updated to Avast 2015 and re-enabled the Avast Firefox add-on. However the first time I followed a link in an email message Firefox crashed. I’ve now disabled the add-on once again.

(I think I can do without the add-on, since I have the Web Of Trust (WOT) add-on enabled and I think it does much the same as what the Avast add-on does.)
