I dont remeber being this excited since… : well, that kind of talk is DEFINITLY not appropriate for this forum…but for REAL…is it still coming soon… :-X …how soon? ( :-* …its been giving me thoughts that i need to go to confessional over, and im not even catholic!!! ;D )
…hey now!!! Im not tryin to start skuttlebutt here…I actually checked my resources and inserted direct quotes with approved links…most the time I just talk abunch of trash!!! This is serious business though…I wont even care if they charge for it…Ill for sure buy the first year…no questions asked!!! Till they do…Im just runnin round with the normal package letting that !Bat! watch mew good 8)
I hope that we can try out the firewall before any type of commitment. To disappointed, to many times. Have found even the current VFC leaves problems when uninstalling…thats a HUGE deal for me, but I have faith that Avast5 will dominate in every way and will gladly pay for the firewall, so long as I can try it…and COMPLETLY uninstall it. I wish somebody could have sued for inventing file and dll marketing!!! But yea Im excited…please say there is a fully 64bit version(i.e. no install to prgram files(x86) directory…)???
…thats what she said :-* …I never try betas but for Alwil; Ill bite!!! Share, please :-X …I just want a real firewall and you gotta know one cause your AV is the BEST 8)
...thats what she said Kiss ..I never try betas but for Alwil; Ill bite!!! Share, please Lips Sealed ...I just want a real firewall and you gotta know one cause your AV is the BEST Cool