Avast Firewall Error?

I get this error message pretty much everytime I log in to windows. Any idea what its about? (please see screenshot)

Hi :wink:

DraKuL I see you are still using old version of AIS version 6,update to latest version of AIS (7.0.1474),if you already have latest version try to repair AIS or remove it with aswclear.exe in safe mode. Still have problems?


How to use it?

Download aswclear.exe on your desktop
Start Windows in Safe Mode
Open (execute) the uninstall utility
If you installed avast! in a different folder than the default, browse for it. (Note: Be careful! The content of any folder you choose will be deleted!)
Restart your computer

Thank you.

Hi JuninhoSlo,

For some reason I cant update my signature, I am using the latest version of all the software as mentioned in my sig though :slight_smile: