Avast Firewall gets turned off automatically!

Yes I have the latest release of AIS. Do you think that Windows FW can cause this? But I had everything running really smooth with the old setting, Win FW + AIS + MBAM, but today with the same config AIS FW got turned off…

The other thing, so far this has occurred only once a day, once I turn it back on, it hasnt been stopped yet… Till I reboot of course… So there might be something thats triggering this… Do you know of a way to check what caused it ?

You can test this by turning off Windows FW. This has worked for some users even though AIS and Win FW are compatible.

You can also submit a mini-dump file when you are actually having the problem.

Here is additional information on how to invoke a memory dump file: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=71.

Please, zip and upload the C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file to this anonymous ftp server and name it uniquely: ftp.avast.com/incoming. Avast will analyze it and respond back to you in this thread or to your email.

Thanks, will give it a try and let you know if it helped - turning off windows FW.

Currently there are no files in the mini dump folder. The memory.dmp file is almost 500mb, not sure if I can upload it any time soon due to the connectivity issues.

Thanks again!

If you have difficulty, you can try emailing it to pk (Avast) on the forum; his email is a button under his name on the forum. If you have problems finding it, please let me know. Thank you.

Thanks SafeSurf! I ll contact PK then :slight_smile:

Off topic - but what happened to Lukas?

When I (and others) had problems with AIS firewall spontaneously stopping a year or so ago Lukas was the FW component dev who sorted them.

mag, how did you resolve the problem ?

It wasn’t a local problem, it was an avast bug. Lukas eventually tracked it down from the dump files (I think it was one that Logos sent in that finally gave him the info).

It was fixed in a program update.

Lately pk has been the one getting the emails on dump files. He can always direct it to the appropriate person at Avast if needed.

Ok it just happened again… going to contact pk about this…

I looked at your uploaded memory dump, and it was a fault in your video driver (i’m really not sure what’s the reason)… you can try to update your drivers or check hw/installed apps. Or wait for another dump - once you get it, upload it on our ftp, and email me.

tech details from dump:

  • you can try to google “TdrBugcheckOnTimeout” and read some posts on this topic
    fyi, dxgkrnl.sys timestamp: Sat Nov 20 10:50:50 2010

if you find a serious problem in FW, email directly to rypacek at avast dot com; he’s responsible for FW component in avast

Just to clarify for other users on the forum, they should still go through the forum and troubleshoot with us first as we can usually fix the problem, then we can direct them to the appropriate person at Avast if needed. Thank you pk for your input. :wink:

yes, as for me, now I monitor only topics with bsod/crash/sandbox word in subject :slight_smile:

Thanks pk! :slight_smile: I actually had issues with my VGA drivers and did a clean installation. I have 2 questions regarding this.
1- could this be due to a VGA hardware failure? I reinstalled the drivers in the beginning of may.
2- VGA driver failures wouldn’t affect the firewall would it? So should I email Lukas?

For firewall issue, email rypacek (see pk’s post).

1- yes, hw failure (or driver problem), or a conflict – I can’t say, because I don’t know anything about video drivers
2- yes, this dump has nothing to do with FW; email lukas, thanks

Thanks! Will do. By the way, did those crashes occur in may or? I want to know if they occurred after I reinstalled my VGA drivers.

Thanks again!

Debug session time: Sun Apr 24 12:08:30.295 2011 (UTC + 2:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 7:28:03.388

I hope with SafeZone too ???

Greetz, Red.