Avast Firewall NDIS filter miniport has a driver problem

I got this error message wen I tried to print wirelessly from my netbook which runs Windows 7 Starter. I have done all the updates and I have the most current version. How do I fix this?

I know that when I tried to do a repair of avast it stopped at the firewall portion and would not fix that part of it.

Oh and I have avast IS.

What version Number do you run? 5.0.499?

If not: Version 5.0.499 download and install.
Check if problem is gone.

Yeah, thats the one Im running.

Check this please: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=57650.msg486342#msg486342

Ok I did a search for “aswNdis.” Now that they have been found where do I put them and how do I do it?


Move all found files from that folder to a different location. Make sure that they are gone from "C:\Windows\Inf".

Reinstall and reboot.

Move them to where? Anywhere? I have to then uninstall avast then reinstall it?

Forgive me but I know nothing about computers/.

Move them anywhere. Just away from the current place.
Then uninstall avast and reinstall.