Avast Firewall Prevents External Access to VMware Guests

I upgraded one of my systems yesterday and have an issue that Avast IS 7’s firewall is preventing external access to my VMware guests. I have enabled the internet connection sharing and it gives full internet access to the guests themselves and I can access them just fine on the same subnet, however they are not accessible externally. As soon as I disable Avast’s firewall, they work just fine.

Any ideas?

Avast IS Version: 7.0.1426
OS: Windows 7 x64

I’ll investigate tomorrow in my VMware Guests… If I lose the thread, please, call my attention :wink:

Just bumping for any updates. I’m currently running with the firewall disabled as I need access to these VMs. Thank you :slight_smile:

Tested different guests OS and all connect using AIS.
Maybe you can delete the Virtualbox entries into AIS program settings for the firewall and start Virtualbox enabling the contact again.

Tried it but it doesn’t seem to work :confused: I didnt have any issues with Avast 6 maybe I should rollback…

Did you try what I’ve said before? Deleting the entries and allowing connect again?

Yes, I went ahead and deleted the two VMWare entries and let them reconnect back and allowed all incoming and outbound connections.

I have actually just played with it some more and as a temporary work around I have gone ahead and set in the firewalls global settings to allow all connections on the local “Home/low risk” zone. This goes ahead and lets the connections reach the VMs but hardly seems like a permanent solution. I’m also having issues with it saying there are “n” number of program definitions under the VMware group in the firewall but it doesn’t display them all the time. Sometimes I see one or two when it says 4 are defined, other times when it says 2 defined, I only see 1.