avast firewall problem


avast i.s 5.0.462 firewall do not let my vpn to connection to

its server .

what can i do? in Iran most of websites are filtered by government

firewall and we need vpn or proxy to access internet .

sorry dude I wish I could help but I unfortunately have no knowledge at all about VPNs. Never used one but I understand the need for you (following #iranelection on Twitter), and I hope someone here can help, preferably a dev from Avast as they must be the ones to know what should be set in this firewall to allow VPN to run. Good luck :wink:

Use tor network and its proxy to access.

when Iran government wants

it blocks all proxy’s like —> tor–easy hide ip --ultra surf etc ets

we still need a vpn

i like perform avast to use vpn