Avast Firewall?

I think Avast should make Avast! Firewall and Anti-spyware software…It would be really great. What do you guys think?

Do you even have to ask :slight_smile: But I think that many of these propositions have been mentioned already by others.

I think the same.
Firewall as a standalone (or able to integrate into avast) but not a suite.
Antispyware as a module of avast antivirus.

couldn’t agree more :wink: ;D

Hope Alwil listen us…

Sorry to disagree. ???
I already have an excellent Firewall and so do most of us.
I chose avast! because I didn’t have a great Anti Virus program.
I would much rather see Alwil continue improving avast! ( Rootkit detection for one.)
Just my 2 cents worth. :slight_smile:

No need to be sorry…

Well… as far I know it’s an old plan of Alwil team the development of such application… just my wish avast does not become a suite but the firewall stays as a standalone application… I think they’re not so far of it…

The antispyware module will improve avast anti-malware features… I think it’s a good improvement.

Yes, I hope the ALWL will add an antispyware component as a module (provider) ::slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

u say u already have a excellent firewall …what firewall is that?

Bob uses ZoneAlarm as far I know.
Other very good firewalls (free) are Comodo and PC Tools as well.
Personal Firewall Tests & Results. Firewall rating:

Freeware firewalls:

XP: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=27646.0
Vista: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=27647.0

Bob uses ZoneAlarm as far I know.
The correct statement is "Bob used to use ZoneAlarm" Bob now uses [url=http://www.pctools.com/firewall/][b][u]PC Tools Firewall Plus[/u][/b][/url] :)

Living and learning… Did you use Comodo in the past? Can you compare it with PC Tools one?

Sorry Tech I never had anything except troubles with Comodo even if it worked fine for most others.

I have only happiness… Strange uh?

is there any firewall that wont asking you question ( allow or not allow )i really don like this it just wasting time…

GhostWall FireWall

I would like to see both an avast anti-spyware as well as an avast firewall. But, I would want them both to be separate applications/programs. Otherwise, a suite of programs is forming and those are always a compromise instead of what is best.

Well… it’s not a waste of time, but a security question…
If you want an automated system that open/close the door of your house, so go ahead, don’t waste time asking: “Who is there?”…

haha…you are right… ;D

but i means i need a fire wall that will automatic block harmful things but not asking me allow or not allow even i m access internet with internet explorer…