This is happening frequently. I go to search for Catholic Jukebox or some other Catholic site. When clicking on Catholic Jukebox I get the message that the Firewall has caused an alert. Then, “go to your hosting control panel and click on Security, Security guard, and set to medium.” I do this but still get the message. I went to Micosoft tech support and they say that it is my antivirus, avast, that is causing this and that I should open avast and set it to medium. I cant find anywhere in avast to do this. Can someone help me and why is avast blocking a Catholic site?
Hello bexar656
avast doesn’t have any firewall. what other security products do you use.
I went to Micosoft tech support and they say that it is my antivirus, avast, that is causing this and that I should open avast and set it to medium.Don't feel bad, my cable company also told me it was avast that prevented my internet connection until I informed them that someone just hit one of the poles and broke their wire.... :) Just make sure that avast is allowed access through your firewall. If that's done and you still have problems, then it's your firewall that's at fault.
Do you use ZoneAlarm? This seems to be a ZA naming: medium, high, etc.
I have SafeEyes is my Porno blocker and Spybot and avast. I don’t have Zone Alarm. That’s it.
Next time you get this alert, try fixing it via the SafeEyes control panel.
It seems most likely that’s what blocking it. It certainly isn’t Avast.
I’ve tried shutting Safe Eyes down compleetly and it still doesn’t change anything.
Can you supply us with the link ?
If you, for any reason, would a good content filter, free K9 is an option:
Nice Radio Station:
As you can see from the security that’s on my system, the blocking isn’t caused by avast!.
The station is actually hosted by so make sure your security software (not avast!)
isn’t blocking that website.
It’s ok here too…
I’m afraid I’m confused. I’m not sure what your all telling me to do. The K-9 filter is to block sites from kids but I’m allready doing that with Safe Eyes. Nothing is blocking the I went there and didn’t see Catholic Jukebox Radio. I went back to search, Catholic Jukebox Radio and the title comes up along with a bunch of others and I click on it and still get the Firewall alert. Also it is listed in my Safe Eyes as an allowed site. My wife is very dissapointed in me that I can’t get this figured out. It might cost me my marriage.
It does sound like there is something else at play, here.
Any chance you could post a screenshot of this “firewall” message? It is starting to sound a bit “rogue-y”.
Try downloading, installing, updating and scanning with MBAM. This is a good demand anti malware scanner.
Post the scan results.
Trust Tarq i also got MBAM and Avast! and no problem here ;D
It was just a suggestion of another service. Not that you should change from Safe Eyes.
K9 is not only for kids and it can manage a lot of cathegories, including malware sites.
Which is your firewall?
I suppose you’re joking. She must love you a little more than a just computer failure
I don’t know how to put a screen shot on here but here is what the message I get says. “Application Firewall Aletrt. Your request triggred an alert. To immediately restore this problem go to your hosting control panel. Security - Security guard and set to medium.” I do this but no change. I ran MBAM, through scan, and no change. Don’t know where to go next. If it’s not an avast problem I guess I can’t keep comming here for a solution. Thanks to all of you for trying.
Yea. She still loves me. Anyway I’m not sure how to put a screen shot here so here is what it says. “Application Firewall Alert. Your request triggered an alert. To immediatly resolve this problem go to your hosting control panel, Security - Security guard, and set to medium.” I do this but no change. I tried running MBAM, through scan. It came up with five things, Rogue antivirus 2, (two of those), Adware gamevan, Trojan Dropper, (two of those). I quarenteend them. Still nothing. My Firewall is in windows. I’m running XP home edition 2. Well if it’s not avast, (which Microsoft says it is) I guess I can’t come here for help. Thanks to all for trying.
Don’t know what’s happening. I posted a reply twice and it doesn’t appear.
This is my third attempt to reply but it doesn’t post.
yea… I also got that problem few days ago… It says that “you hav already posted this” or something like that but nothing appears…