The other day Avast! (Pro V4.8) encountered a virus/worm that was in memory and a boot scan was advised. This happened three years earlier, so I started the boot scan and went to bed since I know they can take hours with three hard disks partitioned seven ways. Waking up in the morning I was told Avast! found something and I was offered the usual choices. I tried “Send to Chest” but got a row of digits telling me it was impossible. I tried “Delete” and got a similar warning, this with a different set of digits. This was all in the two-tone blue Windows boot window.
In the end, none of the options worked (“Ignore” excepted, since I did not want to try that one), so I hit escape to end my misery - temporarily - and started the computer in Safe Mode. I then started the usual Avast! scanner. In due time it found this:
I (again) selected “Move to Chest” and was greeted by this dialog:
Hitting return brought the original warning dialog up. This time I hit the “Delete” button, the warning dialog disappeared and the scan continued. It is continuing as I write this, in fact. Am I doing this all right?
Thanks in advance to any and all who may be able to help a computer ignorant person like myself.