Avast folder shows at the Recycle Bin, but is not actually deleted

The Avast folder is showing at the Recycle Bin, as if it bas been deleted, but the folder itself also exists in the standar place (C:\Arquivos de Programas\Avast Software).

As expected, if I try to restore it, windows asks if I’m sure to replace one with another and then I do nothing.

As a matter of fact, I deinstalled and reinstalled to remove Assistence.

I have Windows XP SP3 up to date, PcTools Firewall and free SAS (only on demand).

Please, any ideas? Thanks.

hmm i do not get what u meant by “As a matter of fact, i deinstalled and reinstalled to remove Assistence”.

do u mean removing the remote assistance component through a custom install of Avast v7?

how did u remove Avast? did u use the windows standard uninstaller through add/remove programs?

Avast folder should not be in the recycle bin if u uninstall it the normal way.



I think so too, that is why I created this topic. Maybe it is not a big deal, but I’m curious and intrigued. My system had an infecction in the recent past, wich I had to use combofix, and since, I find strange things on it. Would like to have seen all at the same time, but no.

I will list some of the strange things:

  1. the most recent is this topic subject;
  2. my “System Volume Information” folder was with acess to everyone;
  3. windows update doesn’t work anymore: it downloads the updates, but neither install them, nor exhibits error codes for me to investigate; none of dozens of Microsoft Fix worked it out; in other hand I manage to download the updates and install them individualy…

hmm checked ur previous posts but i do not see anyone helping u with combofix. did u happen to use combofix without any assistance?

please note that combofix is an expert’s tool. do not use it without supervision, if not u could render ur own system unusable.

since u had a recent infection in the past, i would advise u to let essexboy do a diagnosis on ur system to see if it is really cleared.

please post at the viruses and worms section of avast forum: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=4.0

edit 1: FAQ for combofix: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic273628.html