Avast folks, I made a mistake

Last night I installed avast pro 4.7, not knowing it was.

I am not very computer savy, and am hard of hearing. No matter how I try I can not locate any e-mail address to request assistance in the matter.

This system is a old xp but new to me as of a few days ago. I was running Avast version 4.8 which I thought the cd was.

I only need the free avast, as I just email, and hang on a few sites.

I am on dial up at 56 k from Juno, so I don’t need a lot of protection, and I want no troubles for my error. If I knew what to do I would just do it.

My e-mail is open for all, so maybe someone who can help can contact me and tell me.

I fear if i remove 4.7 I will mess up my system which I am very good at doing.

This system has other protection, but I have no idea what and who they are.
There is a AVG, which keeps sending adds. I would like that to stop, or go away.
There is some Ad-Aware, I have no idea what it is.

And there is some fire wall, which I never had or needed before and I can’t find it right now.

This a used system, and it has parts of things that are not really there anymore.

My problem is I am 58 and the pc world is never going to be the end all in life for me. Why I don’t even own a cell phone, but because all I can make out is guppy talk, and it all adds up to a conversation that goes like "Hello.hello I hear y hello? I can’… hello. CAN YOU HEA… Just the way it is… ;D

Anyway I need help.

Ps: the good thing is I smoke, and ride a motorcycle, so I am doing my best to get out of the way for the younger generation ;D

AVG could either be another AV , which you don’t want, or the Link Scanner they have. I would get rid of the AVG, the Adaware, and the old version of Avast! and get the latest Avast! version from the website. Another good thing to do would be to download Malwarebytes AntiMalware, make sure it’s updated fully, and scan the system. You also might want to get CCleaner and clean up the computer and the registry. I hate to say this in an Avast! forum but if you really have the limited computer knowledge you claim, then maybe Microsoft Security Essentials might be the way to go for your AntiVirus and then make sure the Windows Firewall is on. Avast! is really not hard to understand but MSE is a lot simpler and does provide a very good level of protection.

Which is your operational system?
If it is XP or higher, you should test avast version 5 (check the website).

I suggest an installation from scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Download the latest avast! version and save it.
  3. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  4. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
  5. Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
  6. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
  7. Check and post the results.

Dch 48, yeah I would lie about how non pc I am. I can do win 98 se stuff sort of, which was just taken off line, after all these years.

I can get to Control Panel add/ remove, but many times in my past there would be left overs.

With win 98 I could run Avast, and it saved me from trojans a few times.

When someone would put up step by step ways to do things I could do that do, but all the steps had to be there.

I asked about a sick registry on a site I go and a buddy there told me to get the CCleaner and i ran that once for several times last week.

If he hadn’t said so, I wouldn’t have know the cleaner existed and or how to use it.

I am not used to xp, which this system is. I am getting there, but it isn’t the same as win98 was, and this machine has 2 browsers, one is IE8 which I know best i guess,as i had IE 6 on win 98 I think it was, and then there is Mozilia Fire Fox, which loaded somehow clicking on the way to get here from the avast button. About avast, then in the pro 4.7 drop down the link to here.

Tech i will try and do what you say, over the next several days. I think I understand what you said.

I will see if I can find out what AVG is, and see if it can go away. I have no idea if it was a part of xp, or the owner before me used it. If getting rid of that messes up the registy I am doomed. I have no idea how to fix a registry problem.

I will be back. and Thank you.

Dch48 maybe you can guide me some if you don’t mind.

Looking in control panel add/remove there is:
Ad-Aware scanner for outlook

skipping non Av items the next is the

Avast 4.7 Pro, which appears to be the first avast ever on this system
Avg 9.0, which seems to be adds that pop up. Is this a windows AV?

Last is:
Malwarebytes AntiMalware, but I have no idea what it is, and or if it is upto date. it appears to be what you ordered.

Of these what if any do i keep?

How likely is it i can mess up the registry if i delete them in add/remove?

I am like a women with keys to a car and just want it to go. Except i can make a car truck or motor cycle go alot better than most people because I am ax foreign car tech.

To me a computer is just a toy tv, I can talk and stay in touch with other people with.

No system I have ever see’s a credit card number, and the result is i can’t buy on E-Baymotors, unless I know someone who does that sort of thing, and often times I do.

One way to sort of prove to you I am what I am is to search Mac_Muz on google. It won’t take very long to show i am a fools fool. Try KawaNow, I am there with macmac.

Now the question is can this be done on Avast’s site? I have no idea if that is against the privacy laws Avast has a policy.

I am not looking to cause a stir, I just want to be protected and on the up and up. I self busted myself just coming here.

CCleaner has an uninstall list. Click on the “wrench” symbol.

I find using CCleaner’s uninstaller a lot easier than Windows add & remove.

It’s especially easier to find what you want to uninstall as well as what you have on your computer. ;D

After I uninstall something I run CCleaner’s registry cleaner.

Sorry if I offended you. I didn’t quite phrase myself right on the topic of your computer knowledge. I didn’t mean to question your veracity.

On the questions you asked; Ad-aware is a spyware detector and remover. At one time it used to the best one you could get but not any more.

You know what Avast! is but 4.7 is very outdated now

AVG9 is another free antivirus product. As with Ad-aware it used to be the best of the free AV’s but now Avast! is much better and you don’t need or want two AV’s on your system.

Malwarebytes is an excellent anti-malware and spyware product and you should definitely keep that and update it to the latest version and signatures.

Since you have CCleaner, I would uninstall Ad-aware and AVG using the tools menu in CCleaner. It is much faster and easier than doing it through Add/Remove programs. Use add/remove if you feel more comfortable doing so and no, you can’t mess up the registry by uninstalling them. After they are gone, run the registry cleaner in CCleaner to remove any leftover traces, then reboot. As far as Avast! goes you can do the same for the old version but you may be better off following Tech’s advice and also use the removal tool afterwards just to be sure. Then download and install the latest version of Avast! Free from the website. If you want to pay for the Pro version, you can do that instead. If you don’t want to use a 3rd party firewall, make sure the XP firewall is on. It’s not the greatest but it’s far better than nothing.

I don’t claim to be the most computer savvy person either. There are people on these forums who know a lot more than I do but I know enough that I can keep my machines running well and fix almost anything that goes wrong with them. I learn as much as I need to and the really technical stuff I don’t bother much with unless I absolutely need the knowledge. Google search is your best friend when you have problems ;D.

If you want to replace your old protection by a newer and lighter one here is what I recommend:

  1. Remove the avast 4.7 just like how tech asked you to do.
  2. Download avast 5 here:
  3. Go to control Panel and remove Avg and Ad-aware that’s what I would recommend.
  4. Run the avast 5 installer after a restart
  5. You may add a little Malwarebytes in your system…also :slight_smile:
    Or instead if you want you may use SuperAntiSpyware

You can ensure AVG is adequately uninstalled by going to the following link -


choose AVG from the list (that is [02] 32bit version, I presume - and only use [03] if you have that installed, which is unlikely)

Various advice you have been given is all good, just post reply yr outcomes so members can keep you on track.
Dont worry about posting too often.

Also, you will soon find XP is as easy to use as Win98

These guys are pretty good here at the Avast Forum…If you have any trouble you can always come back and ask…I would make sure though to Install Avast on a fairly clean PC…Without other Anti Virus still there…I would make sure to downlad the Uninsall tool for AVG …Also Google the Norton Uninstal tool…Most older computers have Norton somewhere usualy…Also if there is any firewalls still there besides the windows one…I would get rid of them too …google their Uninstall utillity tool also…I’ve seen so many computers run really slow if there’s Old Half Instaled anti viruses running…Also they are probably stating in your Task manager everytime your computer starts up…And running even though you don’t think they’re there…and Adaware is pretty heavy…I think it’s like 110mb… if U can find it you can uninstall adaware from your control panel since it’s not Anti Virus… also do a search for it in your START SEARCH make sure you get all the leftovers … Luck

BTW Mac, I’m older than you, 62, and I have never used a cell phone either ;D. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll be okay. Just don’t go overboard with your security software because that can mess you up as bad as any virus ever written.

Dch48, On that Malwarebytes AntiMalware, trying to update it I got a code 732 (0,0) which in the error list says i don’t have a connection. I sent them a email. I am not sure what version it is other than free which is also in the user license. I wonder if i should give the boot and go DL another?

I haven’t made a move yet, just lining all my ducks up in a row. OT: Once I was a head mod at mcusa, and I wasn’t pc fit for the job, but most considered me fair. We’re all fixed. Thanks for addressing it.

mkis, Huh? I have no idea about these words you said. “choose AVG from the list (that is [02] 32bit version, I presume - and only use [03] if you have that installed, which is unlikely)”

How do I know what bits, as i have the idea, no doubt probably wrong, that this system is 64 bits, or is that another bits. Also the [02] and [03] is meaning less to me.

Dch48, see what I am saying? Bits are a metalic object that go in a horses mouth. That I can do.

Shiw Liang, I must question any advice from a person with a user name as this LOL, BUT it reads well, so I will.

Is malwarebytes_anti_malware, and other company from SuperAntiSpyware?

All: The avast I had before on the dell hell Win 98 se system which I took off line about 2 weeks ago, the replacement being this used xp tower, had Avast Free 4.8.

My wife some how came by a home made disk labled avast in her hand, and i thought maybe she had made a back up 4.8. So I installed the 4.7 from a cd and there was no way for me to know it was avast 4.7 Pro. Now that’s another thing I could use some help with, specifically understanding what a woman does, and why? ;D

At this point I am ready to gather the new Avast 5, and save it. Then deep six these things, but wonder if i should do them all at once in CCleaner, or one at a time. I am not looking for a Royal Mess, since this is summer, and the garden needs attention, winter is coming so fire woods needs gathered, and most of all I wanna ride! Not to mention that thing called workin’! ::slight_smile:

OH, I know! I will wait for a few answers! Thank you all. Mac

Sorry about your “learning curve” problems going from 98SE to XP, I ran into the same thing. I tend to stick with a single OS until the computer itself needs replaced, typically several years, so I went from 3.1 (which wasn’t an OS, but in effect an app running under DOS) to 98SE to XP. So far this one’s doing OK, but it’s 6 or 7 years old now and probably has not too much longer left. Considering support for XP SP3 will end in about 4 years, I’ll be looking at a new system and new OS learning curve again before too long.

Even single-version upgrades can be a challenge – my wife’s antique secondhand system has Win2K, and there’s just enough difference from XP (particularly folder names and locations) that assisting her with problems is no picnic.

  1. sometimes when you uninstall AVG there may be remnants of the program left. (leftovers, as you say yourself)
  2. Follow the link I gave you brings you to a list of uninstall utilities that help to clean up these left over remnants - and are free to use

here is the lowdown from the owner of the site, fredvries

Sometimes uninstalling programs can be rather troublesome. Some may even defy the normal uninstall process altogether, while others do seem to work properly but may leave a host of data behind.

The companies themselves surely know about these issues and – instead of creating better programs – they often have made an uninstall tool or cleanup tool to help you do a proper job. The problem is that these specific tools are usually not readily found on the websites of these vendors.

So I have decided to create a weblog to list these tools. Just choose the program you want to uninstall or cleanup from the lists below and download the appropriate tool to your desktop. Then double-click the new icon and simply follow the instructions of the program.

  1. The uninstallers on the site are listed [01], [02], [03], [04], are so on, as we are accustomed to list things in our everyday lives
  2. You need to click the link and go to the site if you want to view the list
  3. You will notice [02] and [03] on the list (see screenshot below]
  4. [02] lists a general AVG uninstall tool and/or cleanup tool for removing leftovers

[02] is the tool for you. However as you can see there is a tool for 32bit systems and a tool for 64bit systems. I presumed you would have the more common 32bit system, but seems you have a 64bit system - that is going by what info you have provided. So you would obviously use the 64bit tool in list item [02].

  1. [03] is for users who have AVG Identity Protection installed on their system. You will need to check if this is the case with yr system
  2. It is true that bits are a metalic object that go in a horses mouth, but does that mean you feed yr computer oats?
  3. I should add that 64bit systems are a little bit more difficult to learn than the common as day 32bit systems

Mac_Muz we can keep abreast of yr “learning curve” and help out as much as possible but please be careful about comments made in jest about contributers to this site because, while there are always moderators present, avast webforum has also been described as something akin to the wild west, which in my opinion is why it is among the best help and support sites available to the general users regardless of their skill level. But when the shooting starts… :o

edit - sorry forgot screenshot - but have now added - (apologies, my attention lapse)

Ad-Aware is gone. Avast 5 is down loaded. 2.5 hours on 56k dial up. Next is the avast tool to delete/remove the wrong avast.

I do wonder if the CCleaner would get that done with no down load?

i don’t know if this system is 32 bit of 64 for sure, would that be in sys info?

Not sure what comment I made. I can be a bit of a wise guy like anyone. I figure at 58 years i earned some, but what I have done i am not clear on.

This instant the down load for the avast remove is down loaded. It appears i have the following choices.

remove the wrong one with add/remove, which I have never done in xp.

removed the wrong one with CCleaner, which i did earlier today with ad-ware. Seems that worked out ok.

But then I am to start in safe mode, not to sure I know much about that in xp, and remove avast again? This time with the avast uninstaller? Why would that need to be?

I guess you have found whether you have 32bit or 64bit.

When you power up yr computer start tapping the F8 key - and through all screens if need be - until you reach the screen that offers various options, one of which is Safe Mode - choose the Safe Mode option.

Allow the computer to boot into Windows, press OK when prompted that you about to enter Safe Mode

I assume you have removed avast modules through standard add/remove uninstall already

Run the uninstall utility in Safe Mode - I assume you have this one (see screenshot)

  • make sure you scroll down options to choose the version you want removed / cleaned out
    (that is, if you have 4.7 Pro, which probably comes under 4.8, I cant recall - and avast5, if that is now also on yr system)

This will clean yr system so it is ready for a clean install of avast, without any hitches.

If you want you can also run Fredvries [02] AVG cleanup tool if you think there are AVG leftovers.

  • but maybe leave for now, wait and see if there are any problems later.

Restart yr computer and run the avast_av_free setup engine (see screenshot)
follow directions and allow install through to Finish and you are set to go free for one month
once you open the program and Register the product you are set to go for free for period of 1 year

if you have any problems, reply post here and one of the forum members will attend to yr call

and going by yr undoubted willing, and the nice handiwork that I seen thru yr links, you certainly have earned some :slight_smile:

If the version of Malwarebytes that’s installed is too old, it may not be able to be updated. Just uninstall it and install the latest version.

The second problem? Good luck, men have been wrestling with that since Eve wanted to eat the apple. Nobody has come up with the answer yet and I don’t think the solution is downloadable.

Well I was up at 6:30, working on this all, trying to understand it. Last night priniting out instructions to boot into safe mode.

I have CCleaner which I am using as add remove. With CCleaner I removed the 4.7 avast, but did not go into safe mode and run the tool, which i did down load, but didn’t ‘run’.

It looks like I must get that done and take out avast 5 huh? That is get started in safe mode and run the cleaner?

Currently I am down loading a new version of Malwarebytes too.

And no I am not sure where to find out if this is 32 or 64 bites. It isn’t listed in system info.

Remember this is a used machine, with left over remants from another person I never met.

I can semi navigate around, it’s work, and find tools and other data, that seems to apply, but often have to work to just get back to a place/folder i found before.

Some things like how to find 32 or 64 bits I need to be told how and where to look.

I never really used safe mode in win 98 either, to fix things, unless I was forced by the system given no choice, and then I didn’t really know what to do.

The morning is getting on and I got to go work. Suddenly is it 9:13 am.

I did DL wife 2.0 which works a lot better than wife 1 ;D

Most times computers are 32bit

okay - this is a failsafe method
Start → My Computer → Local Disk (C:) and there should only be one Program Files folder in the C: directory
If so, then it is a 32bit system

A 64bit system has a Program Files for x86(32bit) and a Program Files for x64(64bit)

If you go Start → and then right-click with mouse on My Computer, and then choose Properties from the drop-down menu (at the bottom)
the screen will open with the General option in System Properties and amongst the info on that page you should see 32bit

  • meant to be there with all the other general information (but unfortunately sometimes it isn’t)