Avast for Business blocking powershell scripts from Domain.

I have a script that I use to create email signature. I can’t see to figure out what I need to add to exclusions to resolve this issue. I have added \domain.com* and the file server \server\ to the File Paths to exclude. I can’t seem to figure out what to do? please help!

Report here as a false positive: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php

I have heard from Avast techs that they are aware that the Behavior Shield is wonky. They advise to keep submitting false positives so they can narrow down the issue. It is annoying, but hopefully will ultimately produce a good product. In mean time, you can either submit the file or perhaps try to disable Behavior Shield.

Hi Tony199,

could you share the command line you use for running the script?
