Avast for Business *Free* with my clients if I'm a PC repairer?


I work during my free time to repair computers, and usually my clients need some antivirus, I always install Avast Free and register it with their email address. But now that Avast for Business is free, I wonder if it would be convenient to install this version so I can keep an eye on how the antivirus I installed is working.

My second question is, if is it legal or allowed to do this with my customers, as long as I don’t charge them for using Avast (damn of course not!).

Thanks! :smiley:

From responses I have had from support, it is OK to manage clients within your account. You can separate clients in to groups. Keep in mind that at the moment, you cannot mix free and premium (paid) licenses. For that you would need to have a separate account for paid licenses.


I installed free business AV but I don’t remember the account. It’s any possibility to figure into application what was the email address used?

Thank you,

This would be fine, but would be a nightmare tracking who has what installed copy

It’s great! I’m PC repairer too :smiley: