Avast for Business, OS X - Managed install using Munki

Trying to get Avast for Business installed using Munki, have come against an error I can’t figure out how to solve.
I’ve downloaded the ‘Full installer’ rather than the lightweight version. Created a Munki package, added it to a manifest etc, but when you run it on a client machine you get an odd error:

Installing Avast Business Security (1 of 1)...
    Install of Avast Business Security failed with return code 1...
ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: installer: Error - Just one Avast installer disk image must be mounted.
ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I’ve opened the DMG and pulled the ‘avast.pkg’ file out and made a Munki package with that, same results.

Can anyone point out where the issue is coming from, Avast, or Munki?
Thanks in advance

You need a special Avast for Business package (.pkg file) for Munki installation, that has
the configuration files inside the pkg, not inside the dmg. Please contact the Avast for Business
support team, they should be able to provide you such a install package.