Avast for Home Server

My Home server, an old 233Mhz PowerMac with a 80GB HD running OS X server 10.2.8 finally bit the dust after 11 years

Rather than repairing a obsolete system I thought I would look into one of the new Windows Home Servers. However windows has lots of viruses so ill need an AV solution.

Which version of Avast server works on Windows Home Server?

Well windows home server is a relatively new incarnation and one that has I believe been discussed in the forums so a search for ‘windows home server’ might turn up something, like this one http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=27123.0.

I think that I recall it being said that it would need an avast server solution and not a desktop, but the cost of avast 4 server’s price would be prohibitive.


Is it out already ??


I had heard about home server dont know if it is out yet but I really cant afford the money for another copy of OS X server ($499 + cost of the machine to run it on)so right now so its my only choice

How about Ubuntu 6.06 LTS server edition (supported until 2011) for free?


I can’t find the system requirements, do you know aht they are ?



Recommended Minimum Requirements:

Install Type: Server
RAM: 64 megabytes
Hard Drive Space: 500 megabytes


Detailed installation tutorial:



Ubuntu website information:


Can you clarify what the following means :
RAM: 64 megabytes (with desktop - 128 meg)
Does it mean that I need 128 MO or 64 ?



I added the “with desktop - 128 meg”. I was thinking of something else. Sorry. The minimum requirement for the server edition is 64 meg of RAM. I’m editing out the 128 meg reference in my original post.

The minimum RAM requirements mean, as an example, that you could take a 7 year old computer that came with Windows ME, and 128 meg of RAM, wipe the hard drive, install Ubuntu, and have an up and running server.

A big advantage of Linux, is that it gives new life to older hardware.

I might actually do it

Are you spying me ?? LOL ;D


That computer above is exactly what one of our daughter’s had before I gave her my new computer that I ordered right before Christmas.

My old HP 512n with 384 meg of RAM works so well with Ubuntu, that I decided that she needed the computer more than I did, particularly since Microsoft didn’t support ME anymore.

If I would have needed a server, I would have done just what I said above. It would have worked great.


Well I do know some UNIX commands from the Mac OS X terminal so Linux would not be a problem, but there is still the matter of the cost of the machine. All my machines are still in use even the old 400Mhz G4