Avast for LINUX availability.

Hello. I have used Avast! Home edition for some time and think it is a very good program. But I see on your website that Avast for linux will be available on July 8, 2004. Well… It is not showing as such on your site. I want to know when it will be available and the pricing. I am running SuSE 9.1. any info would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Well, yeah. You’re absolutely right. The linux project is slipping behind all the schedules… :-\ Admitedly, partly because of our incompetence.

Let’s hope that everything will be ready real soon…

I’m real sorry to tell you that. :-\

Hey, it’s okay!
Just remember:
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” --thomas edison :wink:

Heureka! :slight_smile:

It started to look real good. The last glitch that was chasing us for the last week seems to be fixed now.

I think nothing is preventing the release now! Monday seems really promising. :wink:

