Avast! For Linux - Command Line Guide

Not sure if this info is available to all; so feel appropriate to post.

A Situation may arise whereby the Avast! UI is not working, say, or there’s a need to use options not available from the GUI. It is just as easy to use the program from the commandline.

Open a Terminal, and type: “avast --help”


avast - command-line virus scanner

avast [OPTIONS] areaname

The program provides on-demand antivirus protection by scanning files for virus infections in a given location. If no directory is specified, the current one is used. All inserted paths are scanned recursively. The scanner allows virus detection and further actions to be taken on infected files. It features archive/packed file scanning, infected file deletion or repair. Scanner output can be written to a report file. It also supports a special stdin/stdout mode which makes it work as a filter (pipe).

To call up all these commands: -h, --help
display help and exits

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-_, --console
work in stdin/stdout (filter) mode
-a, --testall
test all files, regardless of extension or content (default)
-b, --blockdevices
scan block devices
-c, --testfull
scan entire files (may be slow)
-d, --directory
scan only directory content, don’t scan subdirectories
-i, --ignoretype
ignore virus targeting
-n, --nostats
do not report statistics in the scanner output
-p, --continue=NUMBER
allows setting of an action to be automatically performed: delete file - 1, repair file - 3, user input - 4
-r, --report=[*]FILE
write output to a report file, ‘*’ for OK results
-t, --archivetype[=ARCHIVE_LIST]
scan inside archives. ARCHIVE_LIST may be Z(zip)', G(gzip)‘, B(bzip2), T(tar)', I(mime)’, J(arj)', R(rar)‘, X(exec)', O(zoo)’, Q(arc)', H(lha)‘, F(tnef)', V(cpio)’, K(chm)', P(rpm)‘, Y(iso)', D(dbx)’, 6(sis)', U(ole)‘, C(cab)', E(ace)’, 1(install)', W(winexec)‘, A(all)' or N(none)’
-v, --viruslist[=PATTERN]
show list of virus/worm names matching PATTERN string, and quit
-h, --help
display help and exits
display program usage, and quit
-V, --version
output current version information and exit

By default, avast! scans all files matching the given mask. Also, scanning inside zip, gzip, bzip2, tar, exec and winexec archives is set by default.
The program returns one of the following codes:
normal exit, nothing was found
at last one infected file was found
at last one infected file was found and was repaired
at last one infected file was found and cannot be repaired
at last one infected file was found and was deleted
at last one infected file was found and cannot be deleted
can’t run virus scanner, avast! engine failed
at last one object wasn’t scanned, an error has been detected
at last one object wasn’t scanned, file(s) has been encrypted
stopped, scan wasn’t completed
syntax error in input parameters
nothing to scan, input data error
help output
version output
virus list output

If you find any bugs in avast!, please report them to support@avast.com.
ALWIL Software - http://www.avast.com/