Avast for Linux Package Repository Change

Hello all,

until recently, there have only been two repositories of avast packages, one for Debian/Ubuntu and one for CentOS/RHEL. This is no longer feasible. From now on, we plan to release packages that target currently supported LTS versions of these distributions.

Our technical documentation (http://deb.avast.com/lin/doc/techdoc.pdf) contains in chapter “Installation” up-to-date instructions how to install Avast on specific distribution versions.

Unfortunately, in the Avast 3.0.0 release we have broken updates for already installed Debian 9 stretch platform; please modify your /etc/apt/sources.list on Debian 9 to

deb http://deb.avast.com/lin/repo debian-stretch release

Regarding CentOS 8/RHEL 8, we will need to release new avast.rpm for that platform, this will be done as soon as CentOS 8 is released.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek