avast! for Mac beta bug with mail shield

I use Apple Mail as my only email client and it has a MobileMe account configured in it. MobileMe uses IMAP. On default settings for Apple Mail and MobileMe I was getting a warning - secure connection detected. I turned off SSL in settings and now I am not getting that alert. Also the mail send-receive is working fine. But I am not getting the scanned mail count in the mail shield. Please check.

This is not a bug. The mail shield can not scan secure connections. See the below from the release notes:

To use the Mail Shield, you need to disable encrypted POP3/IMAP connections in your email client's settings so the traffic can be scanned. By default, the Mail Shield encrypts all outgoing traffic itself if the mail server supports it (encrypted connections can be forced for selected mail accounts in the Mail Shield settings).

I think I already wrote that I have turned off SSL in Apple Mail. My question relates to the fact that even though I am sending and receiving mails, the mail shield shows a count of zero for number of scanned items.

We’ll have look at it. Does the same problem occur for bare POP3 mail-fetch?


Please note, that the mailshield only scans “new” emails i.e. mails that are coming through the network to your mail client. Thus only mails that were received after you turned SSL off in your mail client can show up in the statistic.

If you still see a value of 0 even when new mails have arrived, please post here (or send to my email) the output of the following command written to the console (terminal application):

cat /var/log/system.log | grep 'proxy\[[0-9]*\]'

The problem is caused by a bug in the statistics refresh in the GUI. please have a look at the file


You should see there the correct number of files and bytes scaned by the mailshield.

Just tried this and am getting a permission denied message. Logged in as administrator.

What does “this” mean? The /var/run/avast/stat.imap file is readable for any user. You are not trying to execute the file, aren’t you?