Avast for Mac - Install Helper Error

I have Avast installed on my Mac.
I login into my account and then I get a notification from MAC that AVAST is trying to install helper and I should allow it.
I allow it and I get an error message from AVAST that my computer is offline and thus cannot be contacted.
This has happened about 5 times by now. Not sure what is going on.
Anyone else having this issue and any advise on how to fix this.

This has happened to me also. Apparently, Avast does not work on iMacs.

Get the facts together becore plsting David.
Tbis is your second plst here and the se ond time that you are completely wrong.

Hi, seems that there are some issues with the Avast Account. Reported it to Account dev.

None of this “Account” tab issues affects the security functionality of the Avast Security.