Avast for short sighted persons

Hi !

I found it hard to read things on various places in avast 7 and earlier versions (I have AIS and am happy with it). My bad eyes have difficulties to read things on screen.
My screen resolution : 1024 X 768 on a 22’’ flat screen. I need a magnifier to see correctly.


Try also to keep tiny windows minimum size . Some times I just cannot get the “OK” button when it is placed at the right bottom of the windows. It is out of my screen even when the window is at the top of my screen. I have to ask someone els to help me, I must change resolution screen.

For the next release as Avast 7 final release is out ! Would it be possible to make some changes for us ?
As we dont see as well as you do, we realy have to put all our trust in the software.


A couple of comments. Windows has “High Contrast” display settings. Have you tried them?

In addition, which format is your 22" flat screen, 4:3 or 16:9 / 16:10 ? There might be some “standard” screen resolution recommended by the manufacturer, and using other screen resolutions might give you poor results (specially in 16:10 flat screens).

Your current screen resolution, 1024 x 768 is for 4:3 screen, but even if your screen is 4:3, this might not be the recommended resolution (by the manufacturer).

Try Control Panel>Appearance and Personalization. :slight_smile:

Thank’s ady4um,

My OS is Windows PX SP3.

The windows XP High Contrast display settings are what they are… and it is what I work with. >Control Pannel>Acces options.
On Windows 7, the transparencies just lead me crazy, fooling my eyes (I don’t need more blur, mostly Gaussian Blur like). I magnify at 150%.

About the screen resolution, you are right. It’s a ASUS VW225N screen 16:10 but my settings resolutions are :
800X600, 960X600, 1024X768, 1152X864 and higher but hard or impossible to see for me (up to1680X1050 that is the recommended resolution).

An optimal window size would be 500x500 pix maxi. The actual 570x790 pix of the minimal Avast window size is too wide (for me).

I would suggest an Avast!8 specific layout for sight handicapped people :

  • Compact
  • Large texts
  • Sounds
  • One page per item.

Let see it :
First page :



and when I clic on “Csan computer”, it could be like this :



And I over mouse “Quick scan” :



I clic on “Quick scan” :



I start the scan :



How to get that ? It’s in the Settings of your next version ! You may found a “Layout” item on the left colomn:



Then, select what you need :



Of caurse, this is all ficsious for now … But in the nex version we may have it !

The problem is that your screen might not be giving you the best performance if you use a different resolution than the recommended one. Using different resolutions (lower or higher) just might “blur” the screen, making it more difficult to read.

At least, you should try a couple of options, like:

A_ Set the screen resolution recommended by the manufacturer, and the magnifier to 2x or more (meaning, play with the magnifier’s settings).

B_ Set a lower resolution than the one recommended by the manufacturer, but
keep the ratio of 1.6 ( 1680 / 1050 = 1.6 ),
instead of changing it ( 1024 / 768 = 4 / 3 ).

My guess is that using the screen resolution recommended by the manufacturer, using Windows “High Contrast” settings and elevating the magnifier you might get better results than lowering the resolution to a different format (like your current 4 / 3 ratio).

BTW, changing the default font size in Windows Control Panel Appearance settings (or Themes), might also influence some fonts in avast (this was recently reported by another user).

Please let us know if any of these options improves your situation.

If all else fails, and this is a real suggestion you might need a set of glasses?

One of the problems with TFT monitors is that they have a native resolution and your setting of 1024 x 768 is most likely less than that.

When the TFT is forced to use a non-native resolution it has some fudging to do to achieve that and you are introducing poor clarity, even before any short sighted issues.

Whilst it might be harder initially I would suggest using the TFT’s native resolution and then tweak your windows settings. So that the DPI is lower (Custom, 96 DPI or lower) and or you could adjust the font sizes for the Display Properties, Appearance (font size: large fonts) and or Advanced button, Active window, increase some of the default font sizes, etc.

Thank you everyone for your responses and suggestions. :slight_smile:

Glasses, I wear a long time already! 8)

As a musician, I’m embarrassed to follow a partition. Since, I play everything by ear and I improvise.

Yes, the resolution recommended by manufacturer screen improves the visual quality and I adjusted the contrast and size of fonts. I see clearer but in Avast, unfortunately, the font size does not change in the GUI. :-\

You’re welcome.

Whilst it may not have increased the size in the avastUI, as you said, with the native resolution improves visual quality (should have a sharper edge), but not by much in the case of the smaller fonts in the avastUI.


You could still configure the magnifier to a different zoom. It even could be better to reset the fonts DPI to the normal 96DPI, but set a higher zoom in the magnifier.

Moreover, you should at least test changing the type of fonts used, from “Cleartype” to “Standard”. The combination of “Standard” fonts, in 96DPI, but using a higher zoom, might result you in a better clear readable text.