Avast! for Symbian - any thoughts on this?

Hmm, I like avast but judging from the fact that there ain’t no Symbian version or a one designed for Nokia S60 phones, why not develop one? Any thoughts on this?

i also think that that is a good idea (Nokia N95 user :slight_smile: ), but fact is, that there are nearly no viruses for mobile phones and if you follow just a few rules, its nearly impossible to get infected by a mobile-virus…

  • don’t install any programs you don’t know (or didn’t download/start to install yourself)
  • switch off your bluetooth if you don’t need it
  • don’t receive anything via bluetooth if you are not waiting for anyone to send you anything
  • don’t install programs which you got via SMS/MMS or email

that are the most important ones… :wink:

(as far as i know also viruses have to get permission by you to install themselves - the phone will ask you before installing)

  • i can’t promise, but it’s what i think to know…

yours onlysomeone

Well i agree avast protection on a phone would be great, but its true not much malware files exist for mobile phones xD

- switch off your bluetooth if you don't need it
Having bluetooth turned on all the time is scary, you not want a "super bluetooth" experience believe me :-\


Well F-Secure seems to think that the threat for mobile phone malware is real. they post on their weblog about the mobile phone malware they find and already have a mobile version of their antivirus for smartphones

Here is them showing a bluetooth worm on a symbian phone:

Unless if malware writers make more pesky viruses by taking advantage of various security holes in the Series 60 OS…

Well, quite a lot has changed in new (actually, it’s quite some time already) versions of Symbian - you can’t install anything but files signed from Symbian… so it makes it rather hard for malware to spread.

Ah yes thats good, exactly the same approach Apple is using for the iPhone, all programs must be signed by Apple in order to be installed.