Avast! Forum ~ Bottom Page ~ Umm..... []~!What is that!~[]

Page created in 0.072 seconds with 12 queries.
  1. What does queries mean?
  2. Why is it on the forum?
  3. When was it placed?
  4. How can the page be created in 0.072 seconds?
  5. Who did it?

It means that the page was created (drawn on your screen) within that amount of time.

It’s on the forum to show how fast their servers are running.

When was it placed? it’s created dynamically, everytime you load a page on the forum.

How can the page be created it less than a second? processors can do that sort of thing.

who did it? your browser.

Thanks for clearing that up. No wonder I got a different number.

Page created in 0.07 seconds with 9 queries.

Oh, browser / internet speeds have something to do with it too… I notice that if I browse with my phone, the time increases exponentially.