I have been a member of avast! community for just few months and I see this is a forum with variety of useful documentaries, technical and support concerned to avast!'s products.
But in fact, in my opinion, I see no topic for us to introduce ourselves. Members in our forum come from many countries in the world, each other has his/ her own cultural, traditional, hobbies, etc., and it seems to be difficult to make an offline-meeting for all of members here :(.
So, I post this to make a change for avast! Forum member introduce yourself (your name, age of birth, your email, your hobbies, your avast! products you are using, how makes you come to avast!, and everything else about you) and know more about each others.
As a begin, my name is Trần Thanh Bình. I live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I am 19 years old now. I am a student of HCMC University of Science. I am using avast! Mobile Security on my Android phone since I had tried many security products before and find that avast! is the free-best security products. I am joining to the translating of AMS into Vietnamese. :
Happy to hearing from you, my friends 8).
Many greetings,
Tran Thanh Binh