For several weeks unable to post here due to “timed out to server” message. Unable to even login to forums until i used a proxy, but still could not post. Then yesterday changed ISP Cricket Broadband to TWCable and then “voila” able to post here. Was AForums blocking Cricket Broadband? TIA
If your IP was banned I would expect that you would have seen a “you are banned from using this forum” message.
Do you know what your former IP address was so I can possibly check?
Will get back to you later today when use the Cricket Broadband.
Don’t believe i was banned…it was just the server would always time out. Couldn’t even log into my avast forum account.
My Cricket Communications ISP address is/was Tried again this a.m and got same error message “could not connect to remote server”
Previously tried connecting with 6 different browsers and 2 different machines using the Cricket ISP…could not connect to my forum account nor could i post. It was very frustrating trying to solve an Avast problem and not being able to post…Had previously posted prior to the forum hack…but since then no luck…
Just curious as to the source of the posting problem…posting here with TWC ISP
Nothing pops up for that IP anywhere and no other members ( not even yourself ) are linked to that IP, did you have former user name on the forum so I might be able to see if there is a block on the name.
Doulgas9200 is the only user name that i have used as i recall. Not really sure if i had posted here when Cricket Broadband was my ISP. Have a few posts, but certainly have never been banned here to my knowledge and think if i was would get some type of message to that status instead of “can not connect to remote server” As i mentioned earlier can connect to login into my forum account using a proxy and can also reach the screen “register”. Without the proxy can not login nor can i ever reach to register another account. At this point i’m convinced that there is some problem between Cricket Broadband and Avast forums unless some other CB user can set me straight.
I was more concerned with someone else being banned under that IP which would have also stopped anyone else using that IP coming to the forum but there is no one registered here on that IP so it isn’t the cause of your issue.
I think it might be Cricket Broadband that prohibits you from visiting the avast forum :-\
Previously contacted Cricket support and as you might imagine they punted(blamed) to avast forums as being the source of the problem. Tend to agree with them. Have never had any trouble with any site in one year and half of using Cricket. In addition i was able to navigate throughout the forums to include searching without any problems. The problem starts when i try to login or register at ( It would seem to me if CB was blocking, the entire site would be blocked.
This is way above my pay grade so until i hear otherwise will add this problem to “Unsolved Mystery” category.
Thank you for your time.