Avast found a trojan but cannot move it to chest!

Hello, I recently got a trojan but Avast failed to move it to chest. I’ve been having Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox windows popping out with ads, I ran the full system scan and Avast says it didn’t find any virus.

I keep getting alarms that Avast has found a trojan, but when I run the scan Avast won’t find any viruses or malware. I’m an average user and my Avast version is 5.0.545 (Free Antivirus for home) and my virus definition version is: 100518-0

here are the last reports:

5/17/2010 3:52:44 PM C:\Users\Angel Guzman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\0O418A42\eee447[1].htm [L] JS:Downloader-GR [Trj] (0)
File was successfully moved to chest…
5/17/2010 3:52:49 PM C:\Users\Angel Guzman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CYY0WUFE\mCDcnucplBKGwitSd[1].pdf [L] JS:Pdfka-AFB [Expl] (0)
File was successfully moved to chest…
5/17/2010 3:52:52 PM C:\Users\Angel Guzman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CYY0WUFE\xHHWrWlDPU8JHCd[1].pdf [L] JS:Pdfka-AFB [Expl] (0)
File was successfully moved to chest…

  • avast! Real-time Shield Scan Report
  • This file is generated automatically
  • Started on: Monday, May 17, 2010 4:48:41 PM

5/18/2010 7:35:59 AM C:\Users\Angel Guzman\AppData\Local\Temp\Crl.exe [L] Win32:Trojan-gen (0)
While moving file to chest, error occurred: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
During the file delete, error occurred: Access is denied

Hope somebody can help please!

Thank you…

Can you make a boot time scan and reply?“if you are a 32 bit system”.

No, I’m using Windows 7 64-bit Operating System

How do it do that?

Short answer you can’t as the boot-time scan is currently unavailable, it is planned for inclusion in avast 5.1.
For the C:\Users\Angel Guzman\AppData\Local\Temp\Crl.exe you could try booting into safe mode and run an avast on-demand scan from there.

Or you could see if this tool Unlocker (http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/) can run on 64bit OS, that may be able to break the locking element for this file allowing avast to deal with it.

move to a diferent anti virus… avast only plan on launching 5.1 in like aug/sept (acording to vlk)

its like launching a car… awesome body etc… then tuning we’ll add the engine in the next version… i dont mind the next version coming out within a month… but waiting 6+ months?

ive had to resort to other solutions to get my pc’s clean… avast just cant cut it

you could try scan with malwarbytes antimalware and see if it can solve your trojan problem.


good luck