Avast found Win32:Smadow-G[Trj] in a nonexistent folder!

Hi everybody!

Avast found Win32:Smadow-G[Trj] in my IMac here: /Volumes/Data/MacBook Pro.sparsebundle/bands/f213
The trouble is that - this is a NONexistent folder!

what does it mean?

thanx for help!

Hmmm, look like the Avast has found trojan through home-network! on one of our apple-device!! turned off all our laptops, ipads, iphones, ipods and result: no mailwares found!
Is it a possible?

Yes, Avast scans everything that is accessed. If you access a file on a mounted network disk, than it is scanned as well. (For on-demand scans there is a option to disable it)