avast free 11.2.2262 unable to login?

unable to login since updating just says the online content in unavailable check internet connection, but my net is fine, googling the problem i can see lots of posts with this problem for over 2 weeks now will it ever be fixed??? as with avg as i previously used, each update seems to get worse, which is why i switched over in the first place, the first version i downloaded on 6/14 was perfect, also not impressed with the browser dl that i was not given an option to opt out of, avast is known for being excellent with system resources but also doing a great job, stick to that

me too, I’ve 2 clients with “the online content is unavailable” issue
no change was made on those clients in these days

Some people have been experiencing logging on from the avast User Interface (server issue presumably).

Presumably you are trying to do this from the AvastUI ?
Try using your browser to logon to your my.avast.com account, don’t logout from your my.avast.com account. I have no issue logging on to my.avast.com, from either the UI or the my browser.