Avast Free 11 launches Chrome on windows start

Program Version: 11.2.2261
OS: Windows 10
Default browser: Google Chrome

I recently reset windows 10 in order to correct a non-related problem, and now every time Avast starts, it launches chrome with it.

I’ve no idea how to stop this from happening in this version of avast,and I’d rather not go through the trouble of trying to uninstall/reinstall chrome,and avast.

Any ideas?

Avast 2016: Repair and reset Avast Antivirus >> https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB204#artTitle

Oddly enough, after restarting my computer again, this didn’t happen again, and it’s not showing in startup under avast anymore… fluke?

Computers (and avast) works in mysterious ways ;D