I installed Avast 17.3.2291 fresh. It will not register with Creator Update. Says it can not access wsc_proxy.exe. The file is there in the correct path but errors out each time I use the security/ maint, to turn on Avast and Defender off. Avast is running And I disabled Defender but cant get avast to register with windows as the active AV. Any ideas or help would be Great, Thank you.
What do you mean with “fresh” ?
There is no need to turn Defender off as Windows (in version 10) does it automatically if you install a thirdy part av.
Is there any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
Fresh - Not an upgrade or update as in I installed it fresh.
And my point was it is NOT turning defender off that was the point of the post. It fails to turn off defender so yeah I turned it off so two were not running. As I meantioned there WAS a need to turn it off as avast does not seem able, due to the error i mentioned, to turn defender off and register Avast as the system default AV.
I will try to explain it clearly. Avast installed. New (fresh) install. It did NOT turn off defender. I rebooted, It did not turn off defender. Yhe Popup windows does about picking which AV I want comes up. I choose Avast. It asks me if I am sure I trust them, I say yes. Then I get an error that it can not Access wsc_proxy.exe as I dont have permission. and fails. Dont bring out were you an admin because YES i was and the process of doing this requests elevation and I gave it that obviously. the command it is attempting to run that fails is: wsc_proxy.exe /av /enable /update I also attempted to let avast repair completed fine.
Right click on the Avast shortcut and select “Run as Administrator” … if that does not fix it, do the same for the Program Avast is trying to call. That should fix it.