I just ran a full scan on my computer. On 10 zip files (some built with 7-Zip, others with SecureZIP) I got the message “Error: This file is a decompression bomb (42110)”
What does this mean? I searched your website and got no results. I don’t know if that searches the forums or not; I’m assuming not since forums don’t show a Search box.
That might be a feature to add, since one reason I put up a new topic to bother you with is that I wasn’t going to manually look through 713 pages of forum topics to see if someone had answered it.
I don’t know why a forum search (if it was the forum you searched and not avast.com) for “decompression bomb” (with or without the quotes) or just Decompression didn’t return the answer as this question has been asked and answered many times over.
The name really is the most dangerous thing about this and I wish they would change it or simply not report it, a real PITA.
These highly compressed files are generally ‘archive’ files which are inert, don’t present an immediate risk until they are unpacked. If you happen to select ‘All packers’ in your on-demand scans then you are more likely to come across this type of thing. Personally it is a waste of time scanning ‘all packers’ and that is why it isn’t enabled by default.
The “search” function is on the upper part of the web pages of the forum (Home | help | SEARCH | … ).
About 42110 , nothing to be worry about. It just says that the archive is “REALLY really really” compressed, containing much more info than in “normal” archives (well, not exactly, but this is just to explain it in simple words).
Thanks, guys. I wondered if that might be the issue (these are some really large logfiles etc.), but I treat anything described with the word “bomb” very carefully (especially blonde bombshells ).