Avast free and Sandboxie

Every time when i try to install Avast 6 the install fails and i get a BSOD, I just have Sandboxie running but nothing sandboxed.

any idea of what caused this issue? both my computers with sandboxie installed fail.

I also used the Avast removal took in safe mode.

thank you

Usually avast! has no problem with sandboxie and vice versa.

yeah i havnt a clue whats wrong but two different computers a laptop and netbook with only sandboxie and i get a BSOD at install. Havnt a clue.

Which avast, which version…?

most current of Both Avast and Sandboxie Paid


  • Which avast (free/pro/ais).
  • And which version of avast are you trying to install…??

oh sorry, misread

Avast Free 6. witout the Rep/Gadget

Ok, now we figured out that you try to install the free verion.
But which one…?? Latest version is 6.0.1091
Download it here: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/setup_av_free.exe
Try this and report back.

please send me the latest minidump files (\Windows\Minidump folder) to kurtin@avast.com
which sbie version do you use?