I am currently running Windows 8 Evaluation copy. Windows 8 tells me that there are compatibility problems and does not install correctly. I realize that Windows 8 is in fact not listed as an operating system which avast works on. I assume that it soon will have a version which will work with Windows 8.
Is there a time frame regarding when we could expect the update?
Of course when Windows 8 gets gold we will see avast as compatible.
In fact, avast 7 that could be released in next months could be fully compatible with Windows 8 already.
Welcome to forums.
Windows 8 also has MSE built in and it contains AV. That could cause a conflict installing third party AV software. I don’t know if there is a way to remove the MSE or if just it disabling would be enough
older win8 builds than beta (dev preview, leaked builds): avast6 will not work there; avast7 will, but some components won’t work (behav shield, autosandbox/sandbox/safezone)
official win8 beta/rc/rtm builds: avast6/7 will work there, incl. all components
newer win8 builds (between beta-rc, or rc-rtm; leaked builds): avast6/7 will work, but above mentioned components won’t