I am facing 3 different issues in Avast Free Antivirus v18.2.2328 (build 18.2.3827.306), Virus Definition v180319-0, Number of Definitions: 43.65.115 in my laptop Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
- Avast Free Antivirus recently detected a threat in “avast cleaner log” file, this threat is detected in “full scan” operation(set as sheduling scan). So I stopped scan manually, restarted my laptop, connected to internet and performed “smart scan”, smart scan operation does not detected any threat, then I performed “full scan” operation manually, this threat is again detected.
- I am facing problem in specific file scan, sometimes this scan is not work, sometimes it is not immediately start, unless I started Avast antivirus(startup is enabled by default). Specific file scan means right click scan in windows explorer.
- Scanning speed is very slow, sometimes scan completed, but still showing scanning operation, because may be a problem related from UI.
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