Avast Free Antivirus for XP

Hello! I am currently running Avast Free AV v18.8.2356 on Windows XP.

I have been getting notifications for a week now about the expiring license. I keep selecting the option to renew the free license but nothing happens, and I get the same notification again and again. Now the license has EXPIRED and it still will not let me renew it.

Can anyone help me please? THANK YOU!

PS: Please no comments on still running XP, I know the deal…

This shouldn’t happen. I had a similar issue with Avast free 21.5 with Windows 10. Eventually, AFTER taking the precaution of first backing up the settings to be able to restore them after reinstallation, I uninstalled and reinstalled it. This set things back to normal.


Info of Asyn at 20210208:

Info of Product-Manager: We removed it as expiration of FREE doesn’t make sence. It, in fact, never expires as it’s free.”


No, it should NOT happen, but it is. I may try reinstalling, but was hoping for someone from Avast to offer assistance.

No, it does not make sense. It shows EXPIRED, and indicates that there is NO protection being offered.

Did you try to register the Free?

Easy test, click here: http://web-shield-test.avast.com/

How does one register the free version?

Avast stopped me my accessing that site. That being said, received a pop up this morning when I started the PC telling me that Avast was not working, etc.

All the years you had to until they removed it. Did you test the link of Asyn?


Yes, I tested the link and it BLOCKED me from accessing the site. I also downloaded the EICAR test file and it alerted me to the “virus” contained in the file. It seems that the program is indeed working, even though it says that it is not.

Rightclick on Avast-Icon, choose ‘Update search-module & virus-database’. Actual version should be 210730-2. Click on OK and close that window. If possible, send a screenshot.


It is showing a current date for the virus definitions.

Therefore, it seems to be working fine, even though it says that it is not. How annoying. Thanks for the assistance.

You’re welcome.
