I have Avast Free Antivirus and Malwarebytes Premium 3.0.6.

I understand that both have some similar functions, however both have different methods.


  1. What exactly are these similar and different functions that each software has?

  2. Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don’t?

  3. Windows firewall is enough? Or a third-party is needed?

Thank you!

  1. read the avast and malwarebytes website.

  2. There is McShield (amongst several others)

  3. A good hardware firewall is the best. If you want to use a software firewall, make sure it also has outbound scanning.

  1. I already read, didn’t understand clearly… that’s the reason I’m here asking.

  2. Please, could you detail the McShield function, that Avast Free Antivirus and Malwarebytes as a combo doesn’t have?
    And, what are the “several others”? What functions the several others have, that Avast & MWB as a combo doesn’t have?

Thanks a lot!

MCShield USB Protection >> http://www.mcshield.net/

Reviews (click and read) >> http://www.mcshield.net/reviews.html

16 pages with FAQ >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=104046

and more >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=196168

Thank you Pondus!

Please, could you just point, what function McShield has, that Avast & MWB doen’t have as a combo?

And I repeat my 3 original simple questions:

  1. What exactly are the similar and different functions/options that Avast Free Antivirus VS Malwarebytes Premium have?

  2. Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don’t? With which different function/option?

  3. Windows firewall is enough? Or a third-party is needed?

Thank you!

Stop asking and start reading/learning.

I understand that most of the people ask before read/learn. But, is not my case.
I already read and tried to learn before asking.
Sadly, I am not a genius and have to ask.
I posted same questions in other tech forums and received lot of help, excellent answers, positive feedback etc. I can see my questions are useful.

By the way, sometimes simple questions have simple answers, without need to read/learn an encyclopedia. For example, when talking about MCShield, just mentioning that is an “USB or external drive protection”… would be more than enough! (instead sending tons of pages for reading/learning).
Some replies without simple answers, just commanding people to read/learn… usually indicates lack of knowledge of the own replier.

I appreciate your help, but don’t lose your time with me, because I will continue to ask whatever need to ask.

See replies #1, #3 and #5

I have Malwarebytes Premium 3.0.6 and Avast Free Antivirus.

I understand that both have some similar functions, however both have different methods.


  1. What exactly are these similar and different functions that each software has?

  2. Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don’t?

  3. Windows firewall is enough? Or a third-party is needed?

Thank you!

I believe you’ve been given a few links that will provide much information for you, on top of that Malwarebytes can detect things that Avast might miss and visa versa.

Malwarebytes is also on stable 3.1 build as of a few days ago and more information about Malwarebytes can be found on their forum.

imo Windows firewall is adequate and simplest but as everyone needs are different opinions will vary.

Thank you CraigB for your answer.
I appreciated the links I received. However:

  1. Those links are totally partial, and don’t answer most part of my questions.
  2. Before asking, I already read most of those links. I am looking for a comparison answer, and those links compare nothing!
  3. Respectfully, I believe that “the last word” about “be answered or not”… is only mine. I didn’t expect such much bulling in this forum. I am copying some answers here and posting in other forums… let’s show future Avast users that they can’t use Avast forum.

Now, regarding your answer:
I don’t have questions about security/detection methods.
My only questions are about functions/options/features, similar or different, of Avast Free Antivirus & MWB.

Thanks again

As mentioned, questions about other security products should be directed to their relevant forums as they know more about their own products obviously and can answer your questions better, we are not a comparison website hence the name “Avast Forum”

Hummmm… very strange answer, considering that I found lot of product comparison in this Avast forum.
But thank you anyway.

I think you would be better to ask somewhere such as Wilders Security Forums.

CraigB, thanks a lot for the tip.
As I mentioned in other comments above (yesterday), I posted my questions in other tech forums (including MWB forum)… and I received excellent answers.
Here at Avast Forum, I am negative surprised, with some arrogant and dictatorship bulling attitudes.
But again, thank you for your time and help.

I’m not bullying you, answers were given to your questions and it’s now up to you to search and read that information, there are areas where Avast and Malwarebytes differ and some where they overlap but both use different techniques.

I don’t have any further information which is why I advised to ask on the Wilders forum as they are a security discussion forum and likely you’ll find your answers already mentioned somewhere there.

I repeat:

  1. My comment about “bullying” does not refer to your person.
  2. The final word about if I was answered or not… is only mine. Is my prerogative!
  3. Yes, I received links and few replies, however, nothing answered my questions. In the best case, these replies answered my questions in a very partial way.
  4. Most of the replies I received, were just wrong, out of the focus, or were links & info I already knew.
  5. I didn’t asked about security/protection techniques or methods. I asked just about features/functions/options comparison.
  6. I still appreciate all the links/replies I received, even were wrong or out of the focus.

Sadly, my questions here were not answered.
Who knows, I still wait someone with the right answers.
I love Avast Free Antivirus, I found in this forum excellent answers… so, I still keep my questions open, waiting for someone with knowledge to answer me:

  1. What exactly are the similar or different functions/options/features that Avast Free Antivirus and MWB have?

  2. Is out there any other security/protection function/option/feature that both software don’t have?

Question 2 was already answered in reply #1

For question 1 you need to go and read the websites of the developers.
What functions/options/features each one has is explained on them.

Malwarebytes 3 Premium is advertised as an Antivirus, as it includes other Malwarebytes products like Anti-Exploit and Ransomware protection, that were previously standalone and run alongside Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v2.

The latest version is 3.1.x

In my personal opinion, you shouldn’t need Malwarebytes 3 Premium if you are using Avast Free Antivirus on Windows 10 Creators Update. What OS do you use?

  1. Windows Firewall on Windows 7 SP1 or later is sufficient, but better if behind a hardware firewall, which can be found on your Router and enabled by default.

You can fine-tune Windows Firewall for each program, but requires manual labour and know-how. I believe Wilders Security Forums have a guide for this (since Vista released).

I may be wrong here, but…
For Outbound Protection, a lightweight third party app can help, but for advanced protection a Firewall with Proactive features (ie. HIPS, IPS etc) can be found in Comodo Firewall and similar.

And a bit Off-Topic:
Theoretically, you should be running Windows 10 Creators Update for the best that Microsoft can offer in terms of Security, Performance and Stability.

Actually Malwarebytes is advertised as Anti-Malware, it can detect viruses on a certain level but definitely not as efficient as a typical AV, when Malwarebytes is run in conjunction with an AV it is supposed to give first detection preference to the AV but it’s still recommended on the Malwarebytes forum that exclusions must be put in place as Malwarebytes now covers more areas with it’s anti exploit and ransomware detection so the chances of conflicts are much more likely if exclusions aren’t placed between the two products.