Avast Free Antivirus - Network Inspector - You're Offline


Windows install.
AFA was monitoring network traffic when first installed a few weeks ago. Observed this in Resource Monitor and network traffic was calm - the reason for installing AFA in the first place so, happy.
Yesterday this stopped, network traffic skyrocketed again with svchost.exe PID’s, googleusercontent.com, amazonaws.com, download.ross-tech.com sending and receiving even when no browser is open. This stuff starts happening on computer startup.
AFA, Network Inspector tells me “You’re Offline” when I’m obviously not and Avast can download updates.
Avast is not blocked by windows firewall.
Restored machine to pre Avast install, no luck, same result.
Uninstalled Reinstalled Avast, no luck, same result - “You’re Offline”.

What have I missed, or should I just burn the PC?

About traffic, check that in the system startup. Probably this is not a browser, but another software checks for updates. For example, take a closer look download.ross-tech.com. Browsers also have update services.

About Network monitor and “You’re Offline” don’t pay much attention. All the additional functions of Avast writes a lot of nonsense. I usually install only antivirus screens, disable the rest. Maybe someone else needs something else, but I think the rest is marketing. It is not needed and is not of such good quality as AV.