Hello, I’m looking for Avast Free AV offline installer (~200MB) of previous version, 17.8.2318 (latest one is 17.9.2322).
Is there any official downloads archive? Official download link always starts download of the latest version.
Is there some place where I can find checksums (MD5 / SHA1 / SHA256) of Avast Free AV offline installers?
If not, can anyone share with me checksums of 17.8.2318 offline version?
I don’t think there are any hash-lists.
However, every installer has a digital signature (and version info) - so you can easily verify the authenticity.
If there are no official hash-lists then maybe one of highly rated forum users still has the exe file for offline installation of v17.8.2318 and could help me with that? If there is no installers archive (or is there?) that would help me a lot to not download any wrong file from 3rd party site…
Also, how can I check proper digital signature and version info of the exe?