Hi, wondering if anyone can help. I downloaded avast free 6.0.1125 last week. But straight afterwards I could not access my hotmail account - I just get a totally blank screen. There are also parts of the youtube site that are no longer visible. I also can’t do any searches on my drives.
What could be going on? Before this my computer was fine. I am using XP and IE8.
Service pack really has nothing to do with the issue and can be dealt with later. But it can be found in the system propertied (XP, Control Panel, System), see image.
@ declant
What AV did you have installed before avast 6.0.1125 ?
Normally when you logon to Hotmail, it starts out on an HTTPS (secure) page for your logon and then validates that logon and redirects you to an HTTP page to read your email, is this correct ?
If so are you able to get to the first part, e.g. the HTTPS logon page ?
Sometimes this flip flop between HTTP and HTTPS can cause issues if your firewall has any privacy function as there would be a movement through the web shield local proxy.
What is your firewall ?
All I get is the https page but that is completely blank and gives me no option to move any further, but says the page is done down the bottom.
Where do I check my firewall settings?
I was running McAfee and deleted it but I may not have got all of it before I put avast on.
Thanks Asyn
I just tried to use remove the program from my drive and it says the McAfee doesn’t exist anymore, so hopefully this shouldn’t be the problem.
1a. What firewall (FW) do you use? If you are using the XP FW, which is a 1-way worthless FW, you should eventually think about getting a stronger 2-way FW once we fix your machine.
1b. If you are using another FW, please let us know what it is now, what you used in the past, if you trialed a FW in the past and how you removed/uninstalled it.
Also please check to see if anything in your FW if anything pertaining to Avast is being blocked. To do this:
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access?
If it does, delete the entry for it and reconnect to the Internet. This should force the firewall to ask permission again.