Avast Free Blocking / Slowing upnp source access in Kodi

I’ve been using Avast Free on my media center pc running Win 7 Ultimate x64 for quite some time. The most recent update, 17.3.2291 build 17.3.3443.0 has caused problems with Kodi 17.1 accessing upnp sources on my LAN. When browsing a upnp source from Kodi, the library loads very slowly or not at all. Disabling the Avast Web Shield resolves the issue. The Kodi software can access other content via SMB without any problem, it appears to only effect upnp sources.

I have tried the following, unsuccessfully, to resolve the issue with Web Shield enabled:

[ol]- Repaired Avast, reboot

  • Uninstalled & reinstalled Avast
  • Disabled windows firewall
  • Disabled HTTPS scanning
  • Added kodi.exe as an excluded process in Web Shield.
  • Disabled script scanning in Web Shield.[/ol]

Any suggestions to resolve the issue are appreciated.

You could try the latest beta: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=15

Also you can try to set an exclusion for the Kodi software. Open Avast GUI then Click Settings > General > Exclusions

While not ideal, it may help in the meantime. Version 17.x seems to have had several issues with network applications although they are resolving them fairly quickly as they arise.