Avast Free cannot update through proxy


I’ve been using Avast Free Edition on several Windows desktop. I awe its lightweight but excellent features.
The only problem I’ve found so far is the “automatic update using proxy”
I suppose that it should work and do checking for updates every 4 hours. But this never happen.
However, updating manually using proxy works well.

  • Update automatically with direct connection to the internet, works fine.
  • Update manually using Avast interface and using proxy, works fine.
  • Update automatically using proxy, does not work. Looking at the proxy log file, there is no attempt of connecting to Avast update server from the desktops.

I’ve been searching around the internet about the issue, but so far “the impression” I’ve got is that if we’re using the free version ( no idea with the commercial one ) we have to use direct connection ( no proxy ) for automatic update to work correctly.

Is it true or I’ve got something incorrectly set up in my side?
Thanks in advance.

It all depends on how you connect to the Internet.

Please check the following to check the settings:
Open Avast GUI > Settings > Updates >

A. Engine and Virus Definitions:

  • Automatic Update (default)
  • For “Manual” or “Ask When Update Available ” > Settings > Status Bar > Uncheck the last box

B. Update Parameters: all boxes unchecked (default)

  • If you use DSL, you may want to set #2 above to “My computer is permanently connected to the Internet.”
  • If you use dial-up, you will want to use #2 above to “I only connect to the Internet using dial-up modem.”

C. Proxy Settings: Auto Detect using IE Settings (default)

  • Some people have found that using “Direct connection / No Proxy” have worked for them.
  • Use “Specify Proxy Server” if you use a proxy and complete the information below it for the proxy server > click “OK.”

How do you connect to the Internet will depend on the above settings.

Thanks for your reply.

-Point A.
I applied “Automatic Update”, “Ask…” for program updates.
-Point B.
None is checked, I have just applied the “My computer is permanently connected to the Internet.”
-Point C.
Proxy settings set to manual. I don’t put the proxy information on IE connection settings, because the proxy ( using Squid ) only allows the desktops to connect to *.avast.com
The desktops are not allowed to connect to the internet by any means, hence the manual proxy setup on Avast, allowing the desktops to update virus definitions and program updates from Avast.

At this point, only one change made to the update settings, which is “My computer is permanently connected to the Internet.”
I’m going to monitor my proxy log in a day to see what will happen.
Will report back to this thread.

It is now confirmed that all the desktops CAN UPDATE through the proxy after I applied / enabled “My computer is permanently connected to the Internet.”
I feel relieved… :wink:

Anyway, why does this condition is not mentioned in the manual / documentation? ( Or I miss it somewhere ? )

When direct connection ( which is the default ) is used, there is no need to enable this option, but when we choose other connection options, this option must be enabled in other Avast to update its definition regularly.
For some people ( like me ) this option seems to be related with the dial-up connection thing. To force Avast to check for updates regardless if the connection is dial-up.
When behind a proxy, of course, assuming that we have no idea to what kind of connection the proxy server is using, it’s wise to assume that the proxy server is not always connected to the internet or there is a possibility that the proxy server will refuse any connection attempts for some reasons.

Anyway, thanks for providing an excellent free antivirus solution.