avast free download froze my aspire one and wont start up properly

Hello, Can anyone please help with my problem? I just downloaded the free version of Avast last night and things started moving very slowly. It froze pretty quickly to the point where I had to manually turn the power off the laptop. When I turned it back on it wont go past the black screen where it says Acer… It just stays there with the dotted circle that keeps going like it is trying but nothing happens. I tried turning it off several times and i get the same thing. it was fine before the download. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank Heather

Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

You say this happened after you downloaded avast, don’t you mean after you installed avast as that would be pretty strange.

The only other thing on it was macafee which came with it and it was expired out of date. Well whatever you call it i clicked the download for installation and it was supposedly complete. In about three minutes of use afterwards it all started going downhill to the point i am at now. thank you

Expired and out of date doesn’t mean it isn’t running, it must be uninstalled or the low level drivers are likely to conflict.

If you can try booting into safe mode and try uninstalling McAfee.

Thank you can you please tell me how to boot in safe mode? thank you

It seems that your laptop is running Windows 8.

Here is an video how to boot into safe mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgQ87b7muWs&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLhv4R7iSGqnbI2hCRvLuztrCaO8rdbb7-

Thanks for the reply, but I can’t even get it to boot to my home page. It just has the little circle going round and round. I try to hit windows plus C and it doesn’t move. It’s like it won’t go anywhere! Any other ideas??

How are you able to post here?

Download and run McAfee removal tool… http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/

I am using a different computer to post here. i cannot download anything since i cant get past the screen i mentioned in the last post. I wish i could.

The old method should still be available tap, tap, taping away on the F8 key whilst the system is booting, but there is also another one for windows 8, press and down the Shift key the F8 key as the system is booting.

See this for more information, http://www.howtogeek.com/107511/how-to-boot-into-safe-mode-on-windows-8-the-easy-way/

Or http://www.intowindows.com/shortcut-key-to-boot-into-the-hidden-safe-mode-in-windows-8/

Turn on your Windows 8 PC and immediately press and hold Shift + F8 keys till use see Advanced Boot Options screen from where you can boot into the Safe Mode. Do note that you need to press and hold the hotkey while the POST is in progress.

Sorry I can’t be much practical help as I don’t use win8.

I just tried holding the space bar and mashing the f8 and it went to a different screen and said it had to restart but it turned off and didnt start again. Now i turned it back on and its the same except it says preparing automatic repair but its just staying there withe the dotted circle spinning… any suggestions?

I believe he told you to press the Shift Key then F8. Not the Space key and F8 like you said you did. I’m not familiar with Windows 8 but you should be able to turn on the computer and hold down the F8 key to enter Safe Mode.

yeah i have tried both to no avail so far… unfortunately