Avast! Free edition compatibility question?

i just installed the latest versions of FREE Avast! and FREE Zonealarm today. Do I need to disable the anti-phishing feature on Zonealarm? if so, does free avast protect against phishing?

please help

Well… I’m not sure, so I didn’t post. Maybe some ZA user can say something about that.

well do you know if FREE avast protects against phishing?

Yes it does. It has network shield and anti-spy/malware function.

with that being said does it make sense to turn the anti-phishing feature off on ZA then?

Don’t know, never used ZA. Patience, ZA users are around this forum, just not all day. One will likely post and tell you the correct course of action.

Edit your original post to change thread title to something like
“ZA-Avast! Free compatibility question” to get response quicker maybe.