avast Free Has Many Problems & Updates At Limits

While avast Free is a good Anti Virus as other Anti Virus programs are, there is alot of problems associated with it. One where Remote Access Programs are getting behind Avast Firewalling and Anti Virus Shielding to damage C Drives on especially older P computers using an Windows XP Format that computer users do not update regularly. After a certain point of updates downloaded the new Free Avast Cloud Anti Virus Program hints that you should go to a computer store and pay $29.95 or so US or Can for a 1 year deal for about may be perhaps less than 100 upgrades and the upgrades you would pay for in every 3 to 6 months would be $20 each in Money Orders or Debit Cards; however programs that are Trojan Viruses in computer Remote Access programs bought by computer hackers by the Dame Ware Company and other companies selling Internet Service Provider programs have dangerious application malware implications.

When those programs are rewritten and allowed to run wild on the internet jumping into browser programs like INTERNET EXPLORER 7, then into IE 8, anyone’s computer is at risk be it a business that uses computer or a home computer user, I know right now that My IE 8 program is infected right now and I am using Avast Free Cloud, someone said that Cloud is a gimmick and I certainly agree with that assessment.

avast! never requires you pay for the updates in the free version.

FUD and false.

OH REALLY, Tech Avast, why was my last Avast Free update for “Cloud” Avast having an ADVERTISEMENT IN IT suggesting I buy Avast for a “$5” lessening from the $38.95 US price from your company that I could get for about $24.95 or so…of course I normally pay for such things through Money Orders since I am on welfare up here in Canada, As I said before Avast Cloud did not even recognize the Dame Ware Virus that is effecting this laptop I am talking to you from. This is the UPdated Cloud Version of Avast Free, so I see things alot more clearer now since Avast is not doing what it is supposed to do; your onehand sells Avast to computerstore buyers then allows the Avast Cloud Free Version to lag behind the Computer Store bought version, my other PC is dismantled at a friends house in parts and pieces because my computer could not be saved in time.

Do you have the file sample to send for analysis?
Did you submit it to www.virustotal.com?

Sorry. None of us want the user get infected. But no detection system is 100%. You won’t find this situation in any antivirus product.

If we can help you further, just let us know.

At the moment I cannot send you a sample of the Mini Dump File that is effecting my Laptop, when I was on facebook which I am not now and cannot be again since I have no Cellphone; My laptop does not even record the Mini Dump File as a Malware threat which it should be recorded as such. I get ERROR MESSAGES, that I am using some sort of SCRIPT, that can damage my computer if I continue using it, this is where the Mini Dump file hid when I first logon to MSN and this situation started only 2 weeks ago about 3 weeks after buying this laptop from a friend. This laptop was not infected at my friend’s house, it was free of Internet Trojans but he was on Highspeed and apparently Eastlink here has Internet Anti Virus services provided on their Service Provider Servers that apparently delete such Malware and Spyware, I can how ever write you a copy of what the virus was doing to my old computer if you techAvast will bear with me.

This is a line of the computer Mini Dump program itself, I had went into it and wrote a few lines of it down from my old computer, the Old Avast Free program had detected it and I think put it in it’s Vault but did not delete it. “C:\Docume~1\SIRERI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER0361.dir00\Mini112211-01.dmp”. In the Temp file every time I did a sweep with avast I found more of these files in the Temp file in my C Drive which I deleted; MORE THAN LIKELY the SIRER1 Mini Dump program attached itself to my Bios Files and important files of IE 7 as well as the Special Patches for IE7 and each time I deleted the files I saw I was deleting bits and pieces of Windows as well as the opporating system there by destroying C Drive on my computer.

I wrote down another file of what the Mini Dump file said it was in computer jargon, “C:\Docme~\SIRERI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\WERfd80.dir00systdata.xml”

C:\Docume~1\SIRERI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER3782.dir00\Mini11261-01.dmp". This keeps going on and on and on each scan I do on the Avast Anti Virus program that I did on my old computer…it was an AOpen Computer box and a darn good computer that I had upgraded 6 times and still would have had if that cursed RA Trojan had not effected it. I am no computer expert here…however it seems that once the Mini Dump Sireri Mini Dump program gets into your computer system from Win IE7 that it clones itself through the entire C Drive, Avast is simply not good enough in it’s free form to understand what an RA program can and will do. If you want too, checkout the Dame Ware Website that I got from a search engine that had all the details of the products they sell and I found out 3 versions of the exact programs that were effecting my other Personal Computer. What is very scary is the fact that the Remote Access Programs that Dame Ware sells were for Internet Service Providers to remotely remove computer viruses and trojans from peoples computers, now hackers and crackers are using them for fun and games and trashing people’s C Drives on their computers.

Avast Team Certainly Bot; I sincerely hope you can get the gist of that information I wrote out. IT IS WORD FOR WORD, in the files that I found in the Temp program; I had reformated my computer during the mid part of November and by January 8th of 2012 my computer was fried. My friend the computer wizz told me there was no hope repairing my computer that the computer trojan had apparently weakened my C Drive so much that it could not be recovered. It would have cost about $250 or more for a new C Drive and the guts to replace what was damaged and destroyed in my old Personal Computer, it took only 1 month and 3 weeks for my computer to “become a very expensive doorstop”. I don’t wish this problem on anyone but if the Free Avast Antivirus program in the “Cloud” form does not get rid of this problem then anyone and everyone’s computers are at risk, even the Avast Teams computers.

man you’re running a bogus AV … that you shouldn’t have downloaded in the first place. Next step is to clean your system. Essexboy ? (I’ll pm him).

Hi there first I will need to look at the system and could you describe the exact problem you are experiencing

Also I do not know of any virus/malware that will “weaken” a hard drive to require replacement

Download OTL to your Desktop

[*]Double click on the icon to run it. Make sure all other windows are closed and to let it run uninterrupted.
[*]Select All Users
[*]Under the Custom Scan box paste this in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NetBT /s
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NetBIOS /s
C:\Windows\assembly\tmp\U*.* /s

[*]Click the Quick Scan button. Do not change any settings unless otherwise told to do so. The scan wont take long.
[*]When the scan completes, it will open two notepad windows. OTL.Txt and Extras.Txt. These are saved in the same location as OTL.
[*]Post both logs


Download aswMBR.exe ( 1.8mb ) to your desktop.
Double click the aswMBR.exe to run it Click the “Scan” button to start scan


On completion of the scan click save log, save it to your desktop and post in your next reply


how many mb avast update and save data on hard disk regularly or in a month? can any one answer me?

Sir. Avast! updates everyday at least 2 times and every update is a couple of MB or less than 1 MB.

If you want to clean your system follow Essexboy instructions. He is Avast! malware killer. He is also an instructor for UNITE ( Unified Network of Instructors and Trained Eliminators ). You will not find better help any where.


Avast uses incremental updates for virus definitions (average two a day) and these are normally measured in KBs rather than MBs. But there is no fixed size, it depends on the frequency the user is on-line and the new samples (always variable) being added by avast.