AVAST Free Home Edition

Hi all,

Newbie here,got a question about Avast free Home Edition.

Is there a way of having the web filter to work with a Windows 98 system?
If so,could you explain how to accomplish this.

Thanks !

Hello…I think there may be a few threads on this. Try the search function and see what you get. I would look it up for you but I am just too lazy right now. I would even just tell you but i don’t exactly remember how it works. Sorry i wasn’t more help. :frowning:

We have also a FAQ entry for this:


Thanks guys,I found what I was looking for,web scanner up and running!

This sucks, one of my most frequented websites does not work with the web shield.


I’ve even added it to the URL’s to exclude :frowning:

any advise?

No problems with that web site at all on my end (doesn’t matter if I try hundreds of times, each time it’s opening it immediatelly)… WEB shield enabled as always


What exactly do you mean by “one of my most frequented websites does not work with the web shield.” Does this it doesn’t load at all, partially loads or some functionality doesn’t work.

For me it loads with firefox as browser but very slow with dial-up, some images taking an eternity even trying to force them to load some don’t show and once t even timed out. So there may be a problem with the server that the images (ads) are coming from.

Same issue with IE and with Avant Browser, slow, slow, slow, I never got it to load before giving up, but I doubt that this is related to avast.

The image load is huge and many are classed as ads and for me some of these will be blocked by my firewall.

I have the same problem with freewebs.com. I was able to see files on the web site before installing Avast, but since then I cannot see my files (they don’t show up). I also cannot send messages to support on that site (nothing happens when I click the send button) so it seems the web page comes up okay, but is not functional as far as using it. It still works fine however on other PC’s which I have tried recently, of course they are not WIN98 as mind is, however. I have added this web site to my exclusions list as such: http://members.freewebs.com/* which is what show up in my address bar.

I have one question regarding Web Shield Exclusions:

Should the Avast Ball rotate if a web page is added to the Exclusions list in Web Shield, because the ball rotates on web pages regardless if it is in the exclusions list or not.

For instance I have also added ebay and some e-cards web sites to the exclusion list because some Flash ecards don’t seem to work as well as before sometimes and the “Pay Now” button has been not working all the time with ebay.

I have no idea if this is all Avast related, but since I have added them all to my Web Shield “Exclusion List” I was wondering if in these cases should the Avast Ball still rotate, since it does on all of these web sites as well.

Thanks for the help. :slight_smile:

Another provider could be used at that time. See WebShielp properties and check if new files are scanned specific by this provider.
Just left click the ‘a’ blue icon and click on the WebShield provider.

^ Good point Tech, I checked the Web Shield and it DID NOT scan any files for the web page I have in the exclusions list, which is just what should happen. :slight_smile:

I then found that the Standard Shield WAS scanning a file called spellcheck.js, which if I’m not mistaken is a Java Script file. So this is why the blue icon was spinning. It’s nice to know that the Avast Standard Shield is scanning for Script files. :smiley:

I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to turn OFF the Standard Shield just to check and see if this is causing a problem with the web site.

I can’t see why scanning for a script file would cause a problem. Do you recommend turning OFF THE Standard Shield for this purpose and do you think that it could cause that web page to not work on my computer (it did work before I installed Avast and does work on other computer that I have currently tried.).

Thanks, Tech for the suggestion and help. 8)

No, I do NOT recommend to disable Standard Shield to test nothing :o
All the times I did this just for test I have headaches and nightmares :stuck_out_tongue:
It won’t solve ‘problem’ at the website doing this… try a different browser or a computer that is not yours ;D

As I said it actually works with other computers, so I really can’t test for the Avast Standard Shield on other computers, besides the other computer wouldn’t have Avast anyway. It is interesting that this web page worked before I installed Avast and does work now on other computers without Avast, but then again I only used the Web page on my computer a couple of times before I installed Avast.

Also after further investigation the Standard Sheild is actually scanning 7 files, as the counter increases by seven. I can only see two of the files which are scanned because there is a pause page between the login and the final page, but both files appear to be Java Script files.

As you say I’m a little hesitant to turn off the Standard Shield :-[

I will try contacting their support using another computer.

Thanks again for the help.

Hey, TOOEVL, Do you still have the problem with the Corral.net web page ?

Did you try what Tech suggested and see if another Provider (like the Standard Shield) is scanning the page, since you have the page in the exclusions list on the Web Shield.

Also what is exactly the problem you are having with the web page ?

Maybe an extra script blocker (AnalogX for instance).
Maybe use the Context Menu scanning of Dr. Web to test the webpage link. It’s very effective.

I just wanted to post that the issues with the Freewebs.com web site not working properly was NOT Avast related but was actually a result of Spybot’s 1.3 immunization function. Spybot started adding this web site to the IE Restricted Zone with version 1.3 because at least one of that web sites many subdomains were regarded as a potential malware threat not only by the Spybot immunization routine but actually by many Spyware scanners, as well.

Currently this web site is no longer on Spybot’s “black list” and is therefore no longer added to the IE Restricted Zone list, but the web site had remained “orphaned” in the IE Restricted Site list thus causing my problems with the site.

I am happy to report that Avast was NOT the problem and I can remove this web site from my Webshield exclusions list. ;D

Thank you for letting us know the problem was with Spybot’s “black List” this is something that may crop up in the future and not obvious to check spybot’s black list.

Sorry took so long to get back,life gets busy at times :smiley:

Anyways,turns out the website,was having problems with images loading,now with that taken care of on their servers,I can load the website with no problems!

Thanks for a good product!