We run avast free on our laptop… our operating system is windows 7. The problem is that when we use google chrome, we keep getting that horrid “Aw Snap” !!! >:( even when doing things as simple as a google search! I clicked on their suggestions, but they weren’t helpfull at all… the only one that looked like it might have done any good, wanted me to download avg internet security… I’m sure I need to scan for malware (or at least its a good place to start) but I know that having 2 antivirus’ trying to run on the computer can cause serious issues! I don’t know what to do at this point, or where to start! Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated!! I suppose I could use internet explorer, but I really prefer google chrome! :-[ It’s easier to access my email, facebook, etc… much more user friendly!
see the …logs to assist in cleaning malware…guide at top in viruses and worms forum section