Edit: AS I posted in first message, unchecking the Deep Screen item doesnot disable it. If I open the seetings again this still enabled. The same is for most of the options…
Which is why I posted the image, because the instruction in the FAQ differs.
Sorry to have to ask the obvious - Are you clicking the OK button ?
If you did, you could try an avast Repair - Control Panel > Programs & Features > avast antivirus > Uninstall/Change from the new window select Repair.
Are you running avast under a Windows limited user account ?
This could prevent changes being made or saved.
I did Press OK and try several times. Update program like I said … and try several times again.
I am on win7 with administrator account and execute Avast UI as Administrator.
If I ever touch in Avast instalation is to wipe this AV out!
I did see in other sites the same question and no reasonable answer. Even watch videos about it! That’s why I asked here.
The only thing matters to me is: do loose my time on producing a program and when debuging it, the deep screen swalows my job, every single time, no matter what I do. This thing pick on me and force me to disable Avast for some time.
But that isnt all: Some clients have avast and, the instalation of my application fails! A simple database application!
Do you know what it means debug?
It means that every time I debug (test) the program, a diferent executable, with the same name, but diferent size and content, is created.
How many false positive do I have to report?
And when deep screen analizes the exe, I get an exception “Missing Executable File” from the debuger.
Two of the answers did tell you how to do it - the fact that they didn’t work for you is beyond my comprehension.
I have been using the free version for almost 11 years and I haven’t had the issue of a setting not being able to be disabled by unchecking the option. If you look at my image you will notice I have also enabled the Hardened mode and set that at Aggressive, that in itself almost eliminates the DeepScreen function. But you may get popups related to that, but it gives the option to add to exceptions/exclusions, etc.